Recommend us and earn recurring income

Partner with Linkedin’s profile rental solution and earn up to 20% recurring revenue by helping your network develop their business on Linkedin.

It's easier to promote a tool that appeals.

+100 satisfied customers every day

With over 1,000 active accounts, Mirrorprofiles offers the best Linkedin profile rental service, so you can concentrate on prospecting.

Reference customer support, available 5 days a week and responding within 24 hours.

Linkedin prospecting is a key topic for all companies. We take it seriously, answering all your questions or comments in less than 24 hours, and very often less.

The most qualitative and robust profiles on the market

With -5% strike rates and profiles that look just like the real thing, you're sure to recommend a reliable service to your network.

Linkedin experts

At MirrorProfiles, with over 2 years in business, we know all the ins and outs of Linkedin, ensuring you'll always be in the top 1 on Linkedin.

Personalized Linkedin avatar profile rental service

MirrorProfiles lets you rent automation-ready LinkedIn profiles with over 500 connections, a dedicated digital identity and hand-warmed for several months. This allows you to use them from day one as normal Linkedin accounts, so you can easily and safely increase your prospecting on LinkedIn.

A laptop with a blue screen and a blue background.
A screenshot of a chat app with multiple people on it.

The only Linkedin messaging system that centralizes messages from multiple Linkedin accounts

MirrorChat is Linkedin messaging optimized for sales reps and recruiters who use several Linkedin accounts. Organize your Linkedin messages, synchronize them with your tools and make Linkedin your preferred acquisition channel.

Programs to suit you

Max Revenu


Max Discount

Why become a partner?

Recommend the best Linkedin rental service on the market

We've been on the market for over 2 years and we offer the best profiles on the market, to guarantee our customers the best. -5% restrictions and customer support always available to help.

Earn more income

Earn up to 20% of your affiliates' recurring subscriptions and develop your MRR. Each payment from your affiliates triggers a payment to your ambassador account. Subscribe, add on, add accounts. Everything.

Help your customers securely increase their prospecting business

With MirrorProfiles, they can increase their prospecting capacity very easily and without any risk to their own account. What's more, it can open up new business opportunities with your customer.

Build a long-term relationship

We make long-term commitments to our partners. We can help you with onboarding, training, and other resources you may need to succeed.

How does it work?

Flèche vers la droite - étapes d'inscriptions à MirrorChat

Fill in the form to become an ambassador

Flèche vers la droite - étapes d'inscriptions à MirrorChat

Choose the sponsorship offer that suits you best

Flèche vers la droite - étapes d'inscriptions à MirrorChat

Receive your dedicated link and discount code

Once you've rented 10 or more accounts, you'll be informed every month of the amount of commission you've earned.

Your questions, our answers

It’s so easy! After registering for our referral program and selecting the offer, you will receive a coupon code. Share it with your future affiliates. We’ll keep track of subscriptions and let you know as soon as a successful referral is made thanks to you.

Don’t worry! If your referral forgets to use your link or promo code, send us an email with their information and your link. We will take the necessary steps to link the subscription to your account, after verification with the customer, so that you receive the benefits provided.

Thanks to your link, your affiliates benefit from a monthly discount on their subscription, depending on the referral program chosen. What’s more, they get access to proven service quality. It’s a win-win situation!

At the end of each month, we send you an email summarizing your affiliates’ activity and your commission due. Then send us your invoice and we’ll promptly process your payment. Simple and effective!

The only limit is that you will be remunerated as soon as 10 accounts are subscribed via your affiliates each month. Beyond that, it’s a question of trust and mutual respect, to ensure that our collaboration is fruitful and enjoyable.

Ready to team up?

We can’t wait!