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Best linkedin messaging alternative September 2023



LinkedIn is an essential platform for professionals looking to expand their network, share ideas and discover new career opportunities. However, despite its many advantages, LinkedIn has a few limitations, particularly when it comes to its messaging function. That’s where MirrorChat, a product of the MirrorProfiles platform, comes in.

The limits of traditional LinkedIn messaging

LinkedIn is an essential platform for professionals looking to expand their network, share ideas and discover new career opportunities. However, despite its many advantages, LinkedIn has a few limitations, particularly when it comes to its messaging function. That’s where MirrorChat, a product of the MirrorProfiles platform, comes in.

While LinkedIn offers a wealth of features to help professionals connect and communicate, its messaging presents certain challenges.

The inability to manage multiple accounts

One of the biggest problems with LinkedIn messaging is the inability to manage multiple accounts from a single interface. This is a major challenge for those who have several profiles for various reasons.

The absence of pre-recorded answers

What’s more, LinkedIn’s lack of a canned response feature can make it more difficult to respond quickly to your contacts, especially if you receive a large number of similar messages.

MirrorChat: the solution to your problems

Fortunately, there’s a solution that overcomes these challenges: MirrorChat, a product of MirrorProfiles. This platform offers a host of features that surpass those of traditional LinkedIn messaging.

A blue screen with arrows pointing to different parts of the screen.

Centralize messages from multiple LinkedIn accounts

MirrorChat lets you connect multiple LinkedIn accounts, so you can centralize all your messages in one place. No more switching from one account to another to follow your conversations.

Dynamic response filtering

Allows you to filter conversations from all accounts according to criteria: status, tags, last message sent by, date, linkedin account, number of conversation messages and more.

Pre-recorded responses with mergetags

MirrorChat also lets you create and use pre-recorded responses with mergetags. This allows you to respond quickly and efficiently to your contacts.

Categorizing prospects using tags

What’s more, MirrorChat offers a function for categorizing prospects using tags. This makes it easier to keep track of your communications and manage your contacts.

Why choose MirrorChat?

MirrorChat, a product of MirrorProfiles, is more than just an alternative to LinkedIn messaging. It’s a complete tool for efficiently managing your communications, organizing your contacts and improving your interactions.

What’s more, MirrorChat has an intuitive, easy-to-use interface. Even if you’re not particularly comfortable with technology, you’ll quickly find your way around and be able to take full advantage of all the features on offer.

Find out how MirrorChat can transform your LinkedIn messaging experience,
schedule a demonstration


In short, thanks to its many smart features and user-friendly interface, MirrorChat, a product of MirrorProfiles, is set to be the best alternative to LinkedIn messaging in September 2023.

Frequently asked questions

  1. What is MirrorChat?
    MirrorChat is a platform that offers an alternative to LinkedIn messaging. It offers a range of features that surpass those of traditional LinkedIn messaging.
  2. Why choose MirrorChat over traditional LinkedIn messaging?
    MirrorChat offers a range of features that LinkedIn doesn’t, including multiple account management, the use of pre-recorded responses, categorization of prospects with tags, export of prospect data and message history, and a filter for unread messages.
  3. How do I use MirrorChat?
    To use MirrorChat, you need to register on the site and connect your LinkedIn accounts. Once this is done, you can start using all the features offered by the platform.
  4. Is MirrorChat secure?
    Yes, the security of user data is a priority for MirrorChat. They are committed to protecting your information and complying with all data protection laws and regulations.
  5. Where can I find out more about MirrorChat?
    To find out more about MirrorChat, schedule a demonstration today.
Picture of Tristan Bance
Tristan Bance

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