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Linkedin automation tools quotas

Linkedin quotas for different automation tools



Who is LinkedIn? You know him well, don’t you? It’s the social network that has revolutionized the professional world. But like any powerful tool, it has its limits. And for a good reason: to maintain the integrity of the platform and prevent abuse. You’re probably wondering, “What are these limits, and how secure are automation tools?” Don’t worry, that’s what I’m here for. Let’s go !


Business or Advanced subscription

So, let’s start with Waalaxy, one of the most popular automation tools. If you have a Business or Advanced subscription, here’s what you can do:

  • Connection requests: between 80 and 100 per day, up to a maximum of 200/week. Not bad, is it? But remember, the aim is not only to connect, but also to create quality relationships.
  • Sending a message: between 100 and 150 per day. It’s like having an army of salespeople.
  • Profile follow-up: between 80 and 100 per day. With this, you can follow all the professionals that interest you, without lifting a finger.
  • Profile visit (person): between 100 and 150 per day. It’s the equivalent of visiting a professional conference every day, and meeting all the participants.
quotas waalaxy

Freemium subscription

With a Freemium subscription, you are limited to 8 actions per day for each action type. It’s less impressive, I grant you, but it’s still enough to stay active and visible on the network.

Captain Data

Let’s move on to Captain Data. Their policy is simple:

  • Profile visits (individuals or companies): 80 per day. It’s a little less than Waalaxy, but still enough to explore the network.
  • Connection requests: 25 per day. Again, it’s less, but it’s enough to build your network gradually.
  • Sending messages: 50 per day
quotas captain


Lemlist, for its part, prefers a global approach. They impose a limit of around 100 LinkedIn actions per day, whether visits, invitations or messages. It’s pretty flexible, but it’s not much, I grant you.

Lemlist quotas

The Growth Machine

With La Growth Machine, we change dimension:

  • Profile visits (person): 100 per day. That’s twice as much as Captain, and equivalent to Waalaxy’s Business subscription.
  • Connection requests: 100-150 per week. That’s less than Waalaxy.
  • Sending messages: 120 per day. It’s close to Waalaxy’s offer, which is quite advantageous.
Quotas La growth machine


Finally, Texau. They are a little more cautious about their limits:

  • Profile visits (person): 20 per day, 50 per day for a premium account. That’s the least we’ve seen, but it’s a prudent approach to avoid getting banned.
Quotas Texau

Connection requests: 20 per day. Once again, this is the minimum, but it’s enough to build a quality network.

Quotas Texau

Sending messages: 40 per day. It’s less than the others, but it allows us to focus on quality messages rather than quantity.

Quotas texau

Company profile track: 30 per day


This software is dedicated solely to data extraction (or “scraping”). It does not perform direct actions on Linkedin, such as sending messages or connection requests. The limit is set at 2,500 leads per day. This restriction may seem restrictive for users wishing to generate a high volume of leads. However, a major advantage of this software is the quality of the data it produces. The databases it generates are clean and ready to use, avoiding the errors and inaccuracies often present in mass data extraction.

Tool comparison

So which one to choose? That’s a good question. There is no universal answer. It all depends on your needs and objectives. If you want the maximum number of connection requests, Waalaxy is your automation tool. If you want to prioritize profile visits, then La growth machine is for you. For scraping and personal and corporate enrichment, Captain or Texau are good choices.

Multiply your prospecting or scraping volume by combining with MirrorProfiles

Want more? MirrorProfiles is the solution. With several accounts and by combining one of the above-mentioned tools, you can increase your quotas tenfold. It’s like having an entire sales team at your disposal. For example, if you have 3 MirrorProfiles accounts, you can send up to 600 invitations a week with Waalaxy, and therefore contact 2,400 people over 1 month! If you’d like to find out more, take a look at this article.

Thanks to Waalaxy’s quotas and secure MirrorProfiles accounts, you can use LinkedIn with complete peace of mind, without fear of being banned.


LinkedIn is a powerful tool for making professional connections, but it has its limits in terms of automation to preserve the integrity of the platform. Automation tools such as Waalaxy, Captain, Lemlist, Evaboot, La growth machine and Texau offer different functionalities with specific limits of actions per day or per week. These limits ensure the integrity of your Linkedin account.

If you want to maximize connection requests, Waalaxy with its Business or Advanced subscriptions is the ideal choice. To prioritize profile visits, La growth machine offers an interesting approach. For more moderate use, Captain or Texau can meet your needs.

However, for those who want to take their prospecting to the next level and increase their share volume tenfold, using multiple accounts with MirrorProfiles combined with Waalaxy may be the ultimate solution. This allows you to benefit from an increased prospecting force, almost like having a complete sales team at your service.

In all cases, choose the automation tool that best suits your objectives, and make sure you use these tools responsibly and in accordance with LinkedIn’s policies to maintain an active and positive presence on the professional network. The key to success lies in the quality of the relationships you build, even when they are facilitated by automation.

Picture of Tristan Bance
Tristan Bance

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