You are in the queue for a Linkedin MirrorProfiles account.
Thank you for your payment, you are currently in the waiting queue. ⏰ The estimated delivery date is 3 weeks.
You are on the waiting list for the next available accounts in order of arrival.
You will receive an email with details of how to access your account when the account is ready.
The renewal date of your account is defined on the day of the effective delivery of the account.
We confirm that we have received your payment for the MirrorProfiles subscription. Thank you for your confidence.
Due to high demand, we will not be able to deliver your accounts for 2-3 weeks.
By subscribing, you are placed directly on our waiting list for our next available accounts.
Here's how our pre-order system works:
You take out a subscription as you have just done.
We will pause your subscription as soon as we receive the Stripe notification.
As soon as MirrorProfiles accounts are ready, you’ll receive a welcome email and we’ll activate your monthly subscription.
For example, if you subscribe on June 30 and we deliver on July 15, you will start paying accounts from July 15, without losing time or money. This allows us to prioritize delivery to our customers on the waiting list.
However, if you prefer, we can also give you a refund.