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How do the classic linkedin and sales navigator filters work?

How do Linkedin Classic and Sales Navigator filters work?



Focus on LinkedIn filtering, an essential component for effective navigation on this professional platform. Whether you’re looking for a job, want to develop your professional community or want to target prospects for your marketing operations, understanding and mastering filtering is a major asset. Generating leads without perfect mastery of these elements is a wasted effort. We reveal how the different tools work on free LinkedIn, focusing on how they can transform your experience on the platform. Whether you have a classic account (free) or SalesNavigator (paid), this comprehensive article will tell you everything you need to know about this platform. Become an ace at creating qualified databases.

The different filters on LinkedIn

Their use is essential for refining your searches and effectively targeting relevant profiles. For a detailed understanding of all the features available when searching on LinkedIn, a specific article will soon be available. In the meantime, here’s an explanation by tab:

A) People filters

Relationships: Segment users according to their degree of connection with you, providing a clear separation between your direct connections, second-level connections and third-level connections and above. This helps you target people in your immediate network or expand your professional circle.

Locations: Essential for targeting users in specific geographic areas, whether countries, regions or cities. It is particularly useful for localized marketing strategies or targeted recruitment operations.

Current company: Filtering users by their current company allows you to target professionals in specific organizations, an asset for B2B approaches and strategic partnerships.

Relationships from : Allows you to target the connections of a specific person in your LinkedIn community, offering a personalized approach to networking.

Subscribers of : Allows you to target subscribers of celebrities or opinion leaders, useful for reaching an audience influenced by specific figures.

Preferred topics: Target users according to their interests, crucial for effective, personalized marketing campaigns.

Previous company : Used to find people who have worked in specific organizations, this filter is ideal for recruiting or searching for unique skills.

School: This filter facilitates recruitment or networking in specific academic environments, enabling a targeted approach to these environments.

Sector: Allows you to target professionals in a given field, essential for sector marketing strategies.

Profile language: Target users according to their profile language, important for multilingual or regional campaigns.

Listening to : Seeks out people open to certain opportunities, such as volunteering or consulting positions, facilitating targeting for specific offers.

Service categories: Specify users according to the services they offer, which is beneficial for collaborations or service partnerships.

Keywords: Enables precise searches using specific words such as first name, last name, professional title, company or school, offering greater personalization in searches.

These filters are represented in the LinkedIn user interface, offering a variety of options for slimming down searches and effectively targeting prospects.

LinkedIn filters

B) Job Filters on LinkedIn

Having explored what’s related to people and publications on LinkedIn, let’s now turn our attention to those specific to job offers. They are designed to refine your search for professional positions, helping you find opportunities that perfectly match your skills and aspirations. But also for you sales people, having a target company that’s recruiting can be a very good indicator for you. So job offers on Linkedin can be a great idea for lead generation.

As an aside for sales reps, for MirrorProfiles for example, since we promote lead generation via Linkedin, I’ve set up alerts to detect which companies have posted a Business Developer / Marketing Acquisition offer. Once I know which organization posts this type of offer, I just have to do 2 things:

  1. Contact the sales director or manager and suggest that he or she equip future sales reps with Linkedin MirrorProfiles accounts.
  2. Once the offer is no longer on Linkedin, I know the position is filled, so I contact the new salespeople in this company to offer them Linkedin MirrorProfiles avatars so he can reach his generation goals.

This strategy is a little more chiurgical than classic prospecting, but the ROI is very important, so I recommend it 😉 Let’s get back to the article!

Sort by : This lets you choose between displaying The Most Recent, giving you direct access to newly published opportunities, or The Most Relevant, which displays them according to how well they match your profile and previous searches. This feature is crucial for orienting your search according to your current priorities.

Publication date: Invaluable for candidates wishing to stay at the forefront of job opportunities. By filtering by publication date – whether for opportunities within the last 24 hours, last week or last month – you can target the most recent jobs and act quickly on the freshest opportunities.

Experience Level: This allows you to search for positions that match your specific career level, from internships and entry-level positions to mid-level, management and executive positions. It offers precise customization so you can target the most appropriate jobs.

In addition, options such as Company, Contract Type, and the ability to choose between On-site, Hybrid or Remote positions, give you extra flexibility and focus. Selections such as Job Collections, Simplified Application, Location, Zone, Function, and Job Title allow even more refined searches.

Unique features such as Less than 10 Applications and In Your Network highlight less competitive opportunities and those in your professional circle, giving you an edge in your job search.

In conclusion, using filtering on LinkedIn transforms the way you search for and find professional opportunities. By effectively refining your search, you optimize your chances of discovering the opportunities that best match your professional needs and objectives.

LinkedIn filters

C) Post filters on LinkedIn :

To enrich your LinkedIn experience, let’s explore those available for publications. These tools help you personalize your news feed, allowing you to discover content tailored to your professional and personal interests.

When browsing publications on LinkedIn, you have access to a variety of options that allow you to customize your feed according to your preferences:

  • Sort by : It offers you two main options. With Most Relevant, you discover publications sorted according to their relevance to your profile and previous interactions. The Most Recent shows you the latest publications, keeping you informed of what’s new.
  • Publication date: This filter helps you target publications according to their freshness, whether they were shared within the last 24 hours, last week or last month, keeping you up to date with the latest information.
  • Content Type: Whether you’re interested in Videos, Images, Job Opportunities, Newsletters, Live Videos, or Documents, it lets you choose the type of content you’d like to see, tailoring your feed to your content consumption preferences.
  • From Member and From Company: These allow you to view the specific publications of a person or company, making it easy to follow the contributions of opinion leaders, colleagues or target companies.
  • Published by : This allows you to view the publications of your first-level connections, review your own publications, or see those of people you follow, making your LinkedIn journey more relevant and personalized.
  • Member Mention and Company Mention: These help you find publications mentioning a specific person or company, providing you with an overview of discussions and news items related to specific entities or individuals.
  • Author’s Industry and Author’s Company: Filter publications according to the author’s industry or company, offering a targeted perspective on trends and information in specific fields.
  • Author Keywords: Use them to refine your search for publications, giving you the opportunity to discover highly relevant content based on precise criteria.

In my opinion, this is one of the hacks with the highest ROI, because it allows you to base your copywriting on a recent post and a specific subject. In other words, by scraping all those who have liked or commented on a specific post, you’ll know what your potential prospect is interested in. Admittedly, the databases aren’t very large, but the statistics are much better. For example, on a post that talked about setting up outbound campaigns there were around 200 people who liked the post. I simply contacted them to complete the post with MirrorProfiles. I knew 2 essential things:

  1. They were in the middle of setting up their outbound campaigns
  2. They were in charge of acquisition in their company

Anyway, I knew that if I talked about MirrorProfiles I’d have to press just 1 thing: renting several Linkedin Mirrors avatars means you can send thousands of connection requests a week. Suffice to say, I’ve rarely seen so many responses to my messages ahah Out of 200 people contacted, 156 replied, 53 demos positioned and 47 customers in the end. Well, it’s still my record.

With these features for publications on LinkedIn, you can enhance your practice on the platform, ensuring you find the content that’s most relevant and interesting to you, whether for professional development, industry intelligence or simply to keep abreast of the latest trends.

LinkedIn filters

While these basic tools are useful, they do have their limitations. For users requiring more advanced functionality, LinkedIn offers Sales Navigator. This premium service offers advanced tools for even more targeted and effective prospecting.

Exploring Advanced Filters with Sales Navigator

It’s a powerful LinkedIn service, offering advanced filtering features. This tool offers different subscriptions, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs.

Sales Navigator Advanced Filters

The extension provides access to advanced filters not available on standard LinkedIn. They include, but are not limited to, criteria such as job function, seniority, firm size, LinkedIn Groups, and much more.

Sales Navigator filters

Sales Navigator filters

The Double Filter Technique with Sales Navigator

The double filtering technique enables an extremely precise and personalized targeting approach. This involves first creating a specific company search, then searching for individuals within that company according to detailed criteria. Here’s how it works:

  1. Creating a Company List: The first step is to create your selection of target companies. It can be based on various criteria such as industry, company size, geographical location, or other relevant parameters. You select a set of companies that match your sales or prospecting objectives.
  2. Search for specific profiles in the selection: Once you’ve established a profile, you can use the advanced filters to search for people within these structures. For example, you may be looking for decision-makers, department heads, or specialists in a particular field.

This technique is particularly useful for B2B marketing professionals and sales teams who need to target specific individuals within particular companies. It enables fine segmentation and a highly targeted approach, which considerably increases the chances of engagement and conversion.


  1. Executive Search with Predefined List: If your objective is to connect with executives of technology companies in the Paris region, start by creating a targeted catalog in the region’s technology sector. Once this directory has been established, apply a “Position” filter to target only CEO or Director profiles. This approach allows you to focus your efforts on specific leaders in a given area and region.
  2. Target healthcare decision-makers in Occitania with Selective List: To target healthcare decision-makers in Occitania, first create a selection of companies in the healthcare market operating in this specific region. Then use the “Function” filter to filter these companies and identify profiles of Operations Managers or other key decision-making positions. This double-filtered method ensures that you target the most relevant decision-makers in your regional interest category.

These examples illustrate how double filtering with Sales Navigator enables a more strategic and targeted approach, combining company selection with the search for specific people.

With the large volume of leads you can generate with this service, it’s essential to have a large-scale prospecting capability. You can use automation tools to collect data.

With the volume of leads you’ll generate, you’ll be able to carry out large-scale operations. That’s where MirrorProfiles comes in, offering the ability to manage multiple LinkedIn accounts to maximize your efforts.

By combining these advanced filtering capabilities with MirrorProfiles, you can transform your LinkedIn strategy into a powerful and precise machine, capable of effectively targeting and reaching your ideal audience. You’ll be able to contact thousands of people.

For example, with 5 avatars, that’s a volume of 1,000 people per week! You can rent as many accounts as you like – there’s no limit!


Exploring in depth the various filtering features on LinkedIn, it becomes clear that this platform offers unprecedented opportunities for prospecting and networking. Whether targeting specific individuals, job offers or publications, LinkedIn is an essential tool for professionals looking to maximize their effectiveness.

Sales Navigator, with its dual filtering capabilities, enables an exceptionally precise targeting approach, opening the door to highly personalized strategies. By creating targeted selections and then filtering people, you can achieve unrivalled levels of specificity and relevance.

However, managing the high volume of prosperity generated by such a strategy requires appropriate tools. That’s where MirrorProfiles comes in, offering the ability to manage multiple LinkedIn accounts. This multi-account approach allows you to considerably extend the reach of your campaigns, contacting thousands of people and personalizing your interactions with a diverse audience.

In conclusion, making the most of LinkedIn filtering and integrating MirrorProfiles into your digital strategy opens up new horizons for achieving your professional objectives, whether in terms of recruitment, business development or B2B marketing. It’s a new era of digital prospecting, where precision, personalization and efficiency go hand in hand with innovation and technology.

Picture of Tristan Bance
Tristan Bance

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