How do I prospect for key accounts on Linkedin?

Growth actu: how to prospect key accounts on LinkedIn?



This article was written in partnership with, a prospecting and growth hacking agency.

If you want to contact key accounts with high revenue potential, be aware that the competition is intense. Large companies naturally attract the attention of many market players! So how can you hope to stand out from the crowd?

In this article, we give you all our solutions to help you reach these key accounts.

Segmentation by activity

Choose an industry, not 15

Okay, you’ve set your KPI, but don’t go astray! Be strategic. Target a single industry. Why?

  • Sector expertise: By focusing on a single industry, you can develop expertise in that field. This means you’ll better understand the needs, challenges and opportunities specific to this industry. So you can design a more effective scraping strategy and obtain better quality data.
  • Market targeting: If you intend to use scraped data for commercial purposes, targeting a single industry enables you to better target your market. You can tailor your products or services to the specific needs of this industry, which can increase your chances of success.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Data scraping can be costly in terms of resources, time and money. By limiting your reach to a single industry, you can maximize the effectiveness of your scraping strategy and optimize your return on investment.

Defining a weak signal

It’s good to show that you know your target sector inside out. It’s best to show that you understand that she needs you.

Let’s imagine that, thanks to your KPI and the definition of your business sector, you can define Total’s regional HR managers as your target.

How do you know they need your services?

For example, you will see on Indeed :

  • of job offers Total
  • in a typical region (e.g. Nouvelle Aquitaine)
  • applications are still open even though the offer has been on the market for more than 30 days

Conclusion: Total’s HR Director for the Nouvelle Aquitaine region seems to be having trouble finding the right candidates.

You have the signal that this company and this person need you!

Scrape your target

Scraper via LinkedIn

LinkedIn is THE professional platform par excellence. Users share information about their skills, experience and network. It’s a goldmine for scaping. But you’ll need a LinkedIn Sales Navigator account.

Here are some tips on how to scrape LinkedIn effectively and responsibly:

  • Use a scraping tool that respects LinkedIn’s terms of use

LinkedIn prohibits the automated scraping of user data. It is therefore important to use a scraping tool or script that respects LinkedIn’s terms of use. Here are 3 tools you can use:

  • Phantombuster: PhantomBusteris an automation tool for extracting data from LinkedIn. It offers a variety of features, including export of search results, users, profile data, connections, messages and corporate information. PhantomBuster can also be used on other websites.
  • Waalaxy: Waalaxy is a prospecting solution that offers a scraping tool for LinkedIn. This tool enables you to collect data on dozens of potential customers in just a few clicks. To do this, simply create a list of people on LinkedIn, select the number of people to export and the list where the data goes. The data is then exported to the selected list in CSV format.
  • Evaboot: Evaboot is a LinkedIn scraping tool in the form of a Chrome extension. It’s simple to use and allows you to obtain a wide range of information from a LinkedIn profile, including emails, contact details, skills, experience, etc. Prices are affordable, starting at $29 per month.

There are also smaller, equally effective tools like Derrick App.

  • Scrape small amounts of data at a time

Avoid scrapping large amounts of data at a time. This could put a strain on LinkedIn’s servers and result in your account being blocked.

  • Take regular breaks

When scrapping data, it’s important to take regular breaks. This will avoid overloading LinkedIn’s servers and blocking your account.

To avoid the latter two worries, you can use a handy tool: Mirror Profiles. It lets you rent LinkedIn profiles. The goal? Maximize your prospecting! You can manage several profiles and campaigns at the same time without the risk of blocking your account 😉

Scraper via websites

Depending on what you’re looking for, scrapping a website is a very interesting idea. This allows you to :

  • collect the contact details of potential prospects
  • collect product prices
  • collect company information

You can use tools such as :

  • Scraper: Scraper is a Chrome extension that scrapes data from similar websites. It is designed for users who wish to collect data from a large number of websites. Scraper works by analyzing links between websites. It then uses this analysis to identify similar websites. Once similar websites have been identified, Scraper can be used to scrape data from them.
  • Web scraper: Web Scraper is frequently used for tasks such as collecting data for research, monitoring online prices, creating product databases, extracting data from social networks, collecting contact lists, and much more. To start using Web Scraper, users need to install the extension from the Chrome Web Store or the Microsoft Edge Add-ons Store, depending on their browser. Once the extension is installed, they can create customized scraping robots using the tool’s graphical interface.

Preparing your outbound campaign

Creating a multi-channel sequence

A multi-channel sequence is a communication strategy that uses several channels (emails, messages, LinkedIn, sms etc.) to reach its target more intelligently. This type of strategy has several advantages:

  • Reach a wider audience through a variety of communication channels.
  • Increase the chances of conversion by reaching prospects where they are active.
  • Allow prospects to choose their preferred response mode, improving engagement.
  • Gather precise data on the performance of each channel to adjust strategy.
  • Strengthen brand presence by maintaining consistency and visibility across multiple channels, which can build credibility and trust with prospects.

As you can see, you need to choose which channels to position yourself on, and in which direction!

Here’s an example:

Creating a multi-channel sequence

Here, the chosen channels are :

  • LinkedIn and email

The strategy starts with an addition to LinkedIn :

  • If accepted on LinkedIn within 7 days, a message is sent
  • If not accepted on LinkedIn within 7 days, an email is sent

So you need to think about how you want to proceed, and for how long!

The next question is: how do I address my target?


Bear in mind that you’re not the only person to contact your prospect. You have to write strategically to stand out.

First of all, ask yourself the right questions:

  • what’s the objective: a product demo, a meeting?
  • What level of language is used: fluent, sustained, colloquial?
  • what professional jargon to use: insert key words and expressions commonly used in your target market. This will support your expertise.

Then write your sequence, not forgetting to include elements of customization based on weak signals, KPIs, sector and persona! Here are some examples of Linkedin-specific copywriting. Please note that these are just examples. Copywriting is unique and adapted to your KPI, so don’t try to copy and paste. It may just give you some ideas.

Once your messages are ready, you can launch your sequence. But we have one last trick up our sleeve.

Prepare the intervention of a 2nd team member

To give your strategy even greater impact, here’s our tip: integrate a new member of your team.

Let me explain.

When you send your first message, you’re the only person to speak to. On a dunning message, you include a colleague:

“I’d like to ask you again to include Louis, our manager {{secteur}}, who will give you more information. He’s already working with {{concurrent 1}}.

This shows that you’re an organized team with different profiles that match your target audience.

Prepare Retargeting on accounts by importing accounts on linkedin ads

Thanks to our subsequent scraping, we’ll be able to carry out retargeting. This is a campaign to reach people who are already familiar with our company, in one way or another via advertising.

With LinkedIn Ads, you can choose which companies or individuals can be reached by your campaign. Our goal here is to make sure our target sees us.

Here, we will make 2:

  • Campaign targeting THE persona (50% of budget): the aim is to ensure that our main persona sees our ads.
  • Campaign targeting the whole company minus the persona (50% of the budget) = here, we’re sure that all the important people will be able to see the ads and talk about them to our persona.

In short, we’re everywhere!

Prepare a dedicated landing page for each company

To score even more points and make sure we get noticed, we’re going to create a landing page for each account.

If we are targeting Total, then our LP will be :

  • in box colors
  • highlight why we can help them
  • how
  • Dedicated video with total thumbnail x {{my box}}
  • CTA to contact form/ calendly


Finally, exploring key accounts on LinkedIn is child’s play if you follow a clear, meticulous method. Prospecting on Linkedin made easy with MirrorProfiles! Don’t hesitate to enlist the help of professionals if you don’t master all the skills required, and invest in effective tools! Learning how to manage leads on Linkedin isn’t impossible 🙂

Picture of Tristan Bance
Tristan Bance

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