M profiles logo on a black background.

MirrorCRM: Email template selection

Email template selection

Multi-channel prospecting and personalization are the keys to turning a prospect into a lead. Companies are constantly looking for ways to optimize their sales process, and that’s where MirrorCRM comes in. Our new feature: e-mail template selection. It was designed to meet a major challenge faced by our customers: the laborious and time-consuming management of email reminders. A large proportion of our customers at MirrorProfiles have Linkedin as their main acquisition channel. However, only using Linkedin is not the most effective method. The answer is very simple: do it all! Depending on the person you’re talking to, they may prefer to be contacted on Linkedin or by email. You need to be able to control the 2 acquisition channels without getting tangled up. This is what motivated us to create MirrorCRM, and more specifically the “Email Template” functionality directly integrated into it.

Social CRM: what is it?

Social CRM: What is it?

Companies face an evolving imperative: maintaining a meaningful and effective connection with their customers. This need stems from the ever-changing expectations of consumers, who are now looking for more personalized, rapid and engaging interaction with brands. In response, Social CRM is emerging as a strategic solution for integrating the dynamics of social networks into customer relationship management.

What key questions should you ask your prospect to make a successful sale?

What key questions should you ask your prospect to make a successful sale?

As a salesperson, improving your sales is surely at the heart of your objectives. The quality of your relationship with the prospect plays a crucial role in this success. It’s often said that you buy the man before the product, and after several years of sales I can tell you it’s true. People will always buy a service, even if it’s more expensive, if the salesperson has shown that he or she understands their needs. But how do you build this essential approach? It’s all about asking the right questions.

These questions are powerful levers that help you :

– Establish a bond of trust.
– Understand your customer’s challenges, goals and needs.
– Qualify potential customers’ interest and assess their readiness to buy.
– Align the benefits of your proposal with expectations.
– Plan future actions to close the sale successfully.

So what questions should you ask to find out more about your target’s motivations? How can they be formulated to be both engaging and effective?

This guide provides you with the keys to asking the right questions at the right time to improve your sales figures. We’ll explore the types of questions to ask at each phase of the sale, enriched with practical examples. You’ll discover how questions can be a simple and effective tool for boosting your sales results.

How do you qualify prospects in your CRM?

How do you qualify prospects in your CRM?

Qualifying prospects is a decisive step in developing an effective sales strategy, enabling companies to accurately target the most promising opportunities. This process is based on a detailed analysis of available information, ranging from professional characteristics to online behavior, in order to distinguish the prospects most likely to convert into leads. By adopting innovative tools such as CRM systems and pre-CRM solutions like MirrorCRM, companies can optimize their prospecting efforts, ensuring a more personalized and effective approach to prospect engagement.

how to get scalable prospecting on LinkedIn

How to get a scalable prospecting on LinkedIn?

Linkedin is essential for sales prospecting. Nevertheless, for over 2 years now, this professional platform has been implementing more and more [limitations](https://mirrorprofiles.com/depasser-limite-invitation-linkedin-2024/) messages sent or connection requests.

So the question is: How do you develop a scalable prospecting method on Linkedin?

In this article, we’ll show you how to turn LinkedIn into a scalable and effective prospecting tool. You will learn to :

– Understanding your ecosystem for successful prospecting
– Building a successful prospecting strategy on LinkedIn
– Enhance your profile to help with prospecting
– Adopt advanced tactics for scalable prospecting with Mirrorprofiles
– Generate relevant content to support your prospecting
– Evaluate your results and fine-tune your methods

Ready to master the art of prospecting on LinkedIn? Here we go!

How to use IA Linkedin accounts

How to use IA Linkedin accounts

In 2024, LinkedIn will be the main acquisition channel for many B2B companies. Email is still an interesting tool for prospecting, but with the new restrictions, mass emailing is becoming increasingly limited. The low response rates were strongly offset by the volume. The average response rate on Linkedin is 25%, compared with 2% for emailing.

In order to constantly improve your response rate and more generally your rdv rate, even Linkedin has started using AI to help you boost your page. LinkedIn also relies on artificial intelligence (AI) to enrich your user experience by making it more personalized and effective?

Even if Linkedin helps you increase your rates, at the same time they intensify their quota, thus limiting interaction. That’s why we’re going to tell you all about LinkedIn’s AI accounts, how they work and how you can leverage them to improve your visibility and exceed Linkedin quotas. You’ll also learn about the benefits of AI for your prospecting and ways to introduce yourself to this promising technology.

Whether you’re a manager of an acquisition team, a sales rep or a recruiter, here you’ll find valuable tips and concrete illustrations for maximizing the benefits of LinkedIn IA accounts.

What is lead scoring?

What is lead scoring?

The dream of every salesperson, marketer, manager and executive: every prospect automatically classified according to his or her propensity to become a customer. Well, a dream is probably a strong word, but one thing’s for sure: we spend a lot (too much) of time finding out whether a prospect can become a lead. This is essential, as it enables sales teams to concentrate their efforts where they are most likely to bear fruit. However, in reality, without the right tools, ranking and prioritizing prospects can quickly become a complex and uncertain task. Fortunately, lead scoring is an effective way of bringing order to the prospect qualification process. The icing on the cake is that, with MirrorCRM, we’ve finally managed to automate it!

Buying LinkedIn connections: Risks and alternatives

Buying LinkedIn connections: Risks and alternatives

Expanding your Linkedin network means appearing credible in the eyes of Linkedin and other users. Expanding your Linkedin network has become a must for professionals, and is often at the heart of strategies to increase your visibility and seize new opportunities.

To achieve this goal of network expansion, some opt for a quick solution: buying LinkedIn connections. But is this practice really safe? Can it really deliver the expected value, or is it a mirage that hides some less-than-obvious risks?

Linkedin prospecting: Methods and tips for making money

Linkedin prospecting: Methods and tips for making money

Prospecting on LinkedIn is essential to a company’s sales strategy. With over a billion users, including 65 million decision-makers, this professional social network is ideal for generating qualified leads and building solid business relationships. This article presents several tried-and-tested tactics and tips for successful prospecting on LinkedIn.

We’ll learn how to be effective on LinkedIn for customer (and candidate) prospecting, the key elements for successful prospecting on this network, and advanced methods for improving results. The article will also discuss the importance of emailing as a complement to LinkedIn for multi-channel tactics. Finally, we’ll discuss the best ways to turn prospects into customers and the follow-up required to achieve this. The focus will be on creating attractive posts, a crucial aspect of social selling.

Is a Linkedin note really useful?

Is a Linkedin note really useful?

Think of a time when you received a LinkedIn connection request from a stranger, accompanied by a message. That must have piqued your curiosity. This small LinkedIn message with personalized content has the power to turn an anonymous LinkedIn notification into an engaging LinkedIn invitation for someone, highlighting not only who you are as a person but also the mutual interest in making a connection. It’s this personal touch that can open the door to fruitful and meaningful professional exchanges right from the start. However, as we’ll see in this article, that famous LinkedIn message attached to your connection request can be counter-productive.