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With MirrorProfiles, prospecting via Linkedin generates qualified leads

MirrorProfiles: prospecting via Linkedin generates qualified leads



Prospecting on Linkedin is proving to be a powerful method for finding and capturing quality prospects for your business. With over a billion users, including 65 million decision-makers, Linkedin represents an unrivalled opportunity to identify and connect with potential customers who could benefit from your services or products.

But what tips do you need to excel at Linkedin prospecting and find as many prospects as possible? How can you stand out from the crowd and attract quality prospects ready to commit? MirrorProfiles is emerging as an innovative solution that boosts your prospecting and effectively converts your targets into customers.

In this article, discover how MirrorProfiles, by refining your Linkedin profile, automating your prospecting and offering personalized content, can revolutionize your prospecting approach. In addition, we’ll share case studies of MirrorProfiles successes and guide you on how to get started with this solution.

What is MirrorProfiles?

MirrorProfiles is an innovative platform that lets you rent ready-to-use fake LinkedIn accounts specially designed to boost your prospecting. These “mirror accounts” can be fictitious or replicas of real company profiles. Secured and finely tuned by MirrorProfiles, they take full advantage of LinkedIn’s capabilities for your success.

Designed by growth hacking agency Stepward, MirrorProfiles aims to satisfy the ambitions of companies wishing to maximize their effectiveness on LinkedIn. The platform provides you with LinkedIn profiles perfectly aligned with your objectives, your industry and your value proposition. Available within 24 hours, they belong entirely to you, facilitating smooth prospecting while preventing the risk of your personal account being restricted or banned.

MirrorProfiles' main features

MirrorProfiles enriches your LinkedIn prospecting marketing strategy with advanced features, including:

  • The ability to connect with thousands of people every week through multiple LinkedIn accounts. For example, with 5 Mirror accesses you can prospect with up to 750 people every week.
  • Preservation of your leads and interactions, ensured by a LinkedIn account dedicated to your company, eliminating the risk of losing valuable contacts due to the departure of an employee.
  • Protect your personal LinkedIn account by automating your activities through a mirror account, keeping you safe from restrictions or bans.
  • Segmentation of your LinkedIn profiles by target, optimizing the creation of high-value networks and the delivery of relevant content to your audience, increasing engagement and regularity of interactions.
  • Perfect compatibility with all the automation tools available for LinkedIn, maximizing your prospecting efficiency.
  • Exclusive access to MirrorChat, an innovation that centralizes all your LinkedIn messages from different accounts into a single interface, simplifying the management of your interactions and saving you considerable time.

How does MirrorProfiles optimize your prospecting on Linkedin?

MirrorProfiles is more than just a ready-to-use Linkedin avatar generator. This sophisticated solution is designed to fine-tune your Linkedin prospecting strategy. It helps you refine your targeting, generate quality leads and significantly improve your efficiency. Let’s explore how it works.

Improved targeting with MirrorProfiles

Targeting plays a central role in prospecting on Linkedin, as it involves identifying profiles that are a perfect match for your ideal customer. Linkedin offers search filters based on location, business sector, position or hierarchical rank. MirrorProfiles enhances this approach by providing you with Linkedin avatars specifically tailored to your target audience. Thanks to MirrorProfiles, you can rent one with an established network, giving you a 2nd or 3rd relationship with most of your targets. Then, with your favorite MirrorProfiles-integrated automation tool, you can upgrade the account’s 1st network in your vertical. This greatly increases your chances of engagement and interest.

Generate qualified leads via Linkedin with MirrorProfiles

Once you’ve defined your target, the challenge is to initiate a fruitful contact and turn these interactions into leads, i.e. prospects who have expressed an interest or need for what you have to offer. Effective prospecting techniques on Linkedin include sending personalized messages, sharing relevant content and social selling strategies. MirrorProfiles, coupled with an automation tool, goes a step further, allowing you to bypass Linkedin quotas and contact thousands of people a week. The tool automates the sending of connection requests, follow-up messages and thank-you notes, while keeping your communication personalized and relevant.

What’s more, with MirrorChat, you can centralize the management of your Linkedin exchanges from different accounts in one place, making it easier to track conversations, detect business opportunities and progress to the next stages of the sale.

Save time and increase efficiency with the tool

Prospecting on Linkedin can quickly become a time- and energy-consuming activity without the right tools. Searching for prospects, sending out messages, following up and following up can be tedious. In addition, intensive use may expose your account to restrictions or banishment by Linkedin. MirrorProfiles lets you bypass these obstacles by outsourcing part of your prospecting to mirror avatars, allowing you to focus on higher value-added activities such as lead qualification, negotiation and sales closing. Using a mirror account to automate your prospecting also helps protect your main Linkedin account from possible restrictions or bans.

Examples of successful Linkedin prospecting with MirrorProfiles

MirrorProfiles is not only an essential lever for improving your prospecting on Linkedin, but also a guarantee of tangible, measurable results. A large number of companies (208 to be exact) have placed their trust in MirrorProfiles, proof of their complete satisfaction. Let’s take a look at some of MirrorProfiles’ key successes in Linkedin prospecting.

How companies have optimized their prospecting with MirrorProfiles

MirrorProfiles has equipped companies in various sectors to refine their prospecting on Linkedin, providing them with the following benefits in particular:

  • A significant boost in qualified leads thanks to increased prospecting volume on Linkedin
  • A clear increase in the number of leads, thanks to precise targeting and segmentation of Linkedin avatars by persona.
  • A higher conversion rate, thanks to personalized mailings tailored to each target.
  • A significant reduction in the time spent on prospecting, made possible by the automation of recurring tasks and the centralization of surveys on a single interface.
  • Personal Linkedin account security, ensured by the use of mirror accounts that are both secure and optimized.

MirrorProfiles results

The use of MirrorProfiles has been a real catalyst for increasing company sales, with notable gains such as :

  • A 10-fold increase in prospecting volume, from 100 to 1,000 weekly contacts with the help of 10 Linkedin accesses.
  • A 30% increase in the response rate, from 10% to 13% of positive responses to prospecting exchanges. This is due in particular to the optimization of Linkedin accounts through MirrorProfiles account customization. It’s this personalization that maximizes both the acceptance rate and the response rate.
  • A 50% increase in the number of appointments obtained, from 20 to 30 appointments per month with qualified prospects.
  • A 40% increase in the conversion rate, from 25% to 35% of prospects becoming customers.


Mastering KPIs and integrating innovative marketing tools like Mirrorprofiles are at the heart of successful outbound campaigns on LinkedIn. Understanding and closely monitoring key indicators such as acceptance rate, response rate, number of invitations and collection of emails and phone numbers means that strategies can be adjusted in real time to optimize performance. ROI analysis, meanwhile, provides an essential perspective on the overall effectiveness and profitability of the efforts deployed, guiding future decisions.

The integration of solutions like Mirrorprofiles, with its innovative approach to managing multiple LinkedIn profiles, offers an unprecedented opportunity to extend the reach and impact of outbound campaigns. By multiplying the points of contact with the target audience, this strategy significantly increases the volume of interactions and, consequently, the number of qualified leads generated.

However, it’s crucial to maintain a personalized, high-quality approach to interactions, even when operating on a larger scale. Engagement must remain authentic and bring real added value to prospects to effectively convert connections into sales opportunities. The judicious use of Mirrorprofiles, combined with rigorous KPI tracking and ongoing ROI analysis, is a powerful formula for maximizing the effectiveness of outbound campaigns on LinkedIn.

In short, the key to success lies in a balanced approach that combines the strategic use of data and innovative technologies with personalized, human involvement. By adopting this approach, companies can not only meet, but exceed their campaign objectives, transforming LinkedIn into a powerful lever for lead generation and business growth.

Picture of Tristan Bance
Tristan Bance

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