Un homme barbu présente un webinaire sur LinkedIn.

How to prospect webinar participants?



Prospecting is a crucial step in the sales and marketing process. With various automation tools and over-solicitation, your prospects are more and more demanding of your time. So you need to be precise and, above all, have a personalized approach. There’s no secret to developing an effective strategy: you need information about your targets and your audience.
Using web scraping tools, you can easily gather this crucial information to refine your marketing strategy.

One personalized approach that works very well is to prospect LinkedIn webinar participants.

Indeed, participating in a webinar with a specific topic gives you the edge over your audience ‘s willingness to learn about a particular subject.
To develop an effective strategy, let’s start by understanding what a LinkedIn webinar is.
Using tools like Captain Data can help you extract precise information about participants’ profiles, making your prospecting even more effective.

What is a LinkedIn webinar?

A LinkedIn webinar is an online conference organized on the LinkedIn platform, the social network dedicated to professionals.
It’s an interactive virtual event where companies, experts or trainers can share their know-how, experience or products with a targeted, interested audience.

The content presented helps to optimize your profile and increase engagement at similar events.
This is a valuable opportunity to position yourself as an expert in a specific field, expand your brand awareness through your LinkedIn page, develop your professional network and attract potential customers through an effective marketing strategy.

How to scrape webinar participants

Step 1: Join a webinar similar to your activity on your MirrorProfiles account

An effective strategy for identifying quality leads is to participate in webinars related to your field of activity.

Why is this method beneficial? The idea behind this is that people who attend specific webinars are already interested in the topic covered, so they’re likely to be interested in an equivalent offer. This approach enables pre-selection of already-qualified prospects, optimizing prospecting efforts and resources. By taking part in a webinar, you can launch targeted campaigns aimed at achieving your marketing objectives, by connecting directly with your audience.

Une capture d'écran d'un groupe de personnes participant à un webinaire LinkedIn.

Step 2: Use a Captain Data workflow to scrape participants

Once you’ve registered for a relevant webinar, the aim is toextract data from participants.
This is where Captain Data, a web scraping tool, comes in. Web scraping is a technique used to extract information from websites. Find out more in this article. With Captain Data, you can automate this process by creating a workflow that systematically collects data from webinar participants, such as profiles, titles, companies, etc., optimizing your marketing and lead generation strategy.

Once this information has been collected, Captain Data allows you to export the data in CSV format.
This format is particularly well-suited to data storage, and is a valuable resource in your marketing strategy.
Thanks to its compatibility with a multitude of tools, such as Waalaxy, Lemlist and La Growth Machine, it makes it easy to organize and analyze your prospect data for more targeted prospecting campaigns.

Step 3: Creation of LinkedIn campaigns and copywriting related to the webinar topic

Once participant data has been collected and organized, the next step is to launch a targeted outbound prospecting campaign on LinkedIn. The campaign must be carefully designed to attract and engage your prospects. The copywriting of your campaign must be written strategically, taking into account the interests and needs of your audience. The tone and content must be in keeping with the theme of the webinar, to establish a connection and rapport with your prospects.
Your goal is to capture your audience ‘s attention with relevant content.
Use marketing tools to optimize your copywriting and increase the effectiveness of your campaigns.
You know that webinar participants are interested in what you do, so all you have to do is create the right copywriting to get in touch with them!

Present your services intelligently

Webinars are a golden tool for achieving your sales and marketing objectives.
However, this event format must not turn into an advertising obsession.
Even if the underlying aim is to raise awareness of your company, products or services, beware of overly egocentric discourse!
Participants sign up for your webinar after being seduced by an issue, a promise of content or the expertise of a speaker.
Their main expectation is not to listen to a sales presentation… Otherwise, they would have made an appointment with your sales teams.
Using a well thought-out workflow will enable you to intelligently dose your company’s presentation, optimizing the use of your marketing campaign resources without going overboard.

This online webinar is a way of getting to know your community at the event, creating links, interacting and bringing them maximum value.
However, the aim is not to completely disassociate the proposed content from your company.
For example, don’t hesitate to set yourself a short time limit (like 3 minutes) at the start of the webinar to present your company and its solutions, using your logo on your LinkedIn page.
At the end of the event, specify where the audience can contact you (e-mail, link to a landing page, etc.) to continue the discussion and strengthen your network.

Capture qualified information

Webinars also offer a valuable opportunity to gather information about participants.
Before, during and after the webinar, you can collect qualified data such as name, e-mail address, company and specific interests of participants.
This information enables you to personalize your prospecting efforts and nurture your prospects in a targeted way.
This provides you with a qualified database for strategic follow-up actions, using various tools and resources to optimize your strategy.

Defining the right topic for your webinar

To organize an effective webinar, the choice of topic is crucial and must be a central consideration.
Determining a topic or theme that your target audience is confronted with in their buying process is essential.

In B2B, prospects have different questions depending on whether they’re at the beginning, middle or end of their buying journey.
The challenge for you is to identify these questions in order to align your webinar with these specific concerns.

Consider using a web scraping tool to identify key questions during webinar registration.
Prospecting webinar participants is an innovative and effective way of generating qualified leads.
Although this strategy requires a certain amount of technical expertise and theuse of specifictools, the benefits it brings in terms of optimizing prospecting efforts are considerable.
By selecting relevant webinars, exploiting attendee data and developing an appropriate marketing campaign, you maximize your chances of achieving your sales targets.

Creating a sense of community

LinkedIn webinars offer several advantages over traditional face-to-face events or other types of online events.
One of the major advantages is the ability to create a sense of community among participants.

By encouraging interaction between peers and colleagues, you can turn a simple online event into a rewarding experience for all.
This can lead to new professional connections and additional networking opportunities.

What’s more, a live webinar on LinkedIn can increase your influence and strengthen your network by exposing your content to a targeted audience without resorting to excessive advertising.

Use live broadcasting tools

To maximize the impact of your webinar on LinkedIn, consider using live streaming tools or restreaming services.
These tools allow you to broadcast your presentation live from your computer, or use a third-party platform to extend your reach.

Informing your audience of the exact time of the live start can also increase engagement and active participation during the webinar, boosting your influence and achieving your campaign objectives.

Increase brand awareness

Another notable benefit of LinkedIn webinars is their ability to increase your brand’s visibility and awareness.
By organizing relevant and engaging webinars, you position your company as an authority in your field.
This type of educational content not only attracts qualified leads, but also reinforces your brand image with a wider audience.
What’s more, a well-designed marketing strategy on the LinkedIn platform can amplify your influence and attract more potential customers.

Picture of Tristan Bance
Tristan Bance

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