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A blue graphic featuring "Top 5 Best Ghostwriting" and two white buttons labeled "Agencies" and "LinkedIn." A feather icon is in the middle. A photo of a woman smiling is on the lower right corner. Mirror Profiles logo in the top left.

Top 5 best Ghostwriting Linkedin agencies



Ghostwriting on Linkedin is a key skill increasingly sought after by companies. It’s an open secret that, on Linkedin, it’s better to have strong personal branding than a really nice company page. The adage “You buy the man before the product” is absolutely true. That’s why more and more executives are entrusting their Linkedin profile to specialized agencies, to enhance their personal branding and, by extension, their business.

What is Linkedin ghostwriting?

Ghostwriting on LinkedIn is a recent and growing phenomenon, particularly on platforms like LinkedIn. This practice involves employing ghostwriters to write publications on behalf of CEOs and company executives. These professionals offer their expertise in storytelling and communications to help executives embody the spirit of their brand and reinforce their intellectual leadership. This service is increasingly in demand, not least because business leaders often have neither the time nor the skills to manage their social networking presence effectively. Today, this service is no longer reserved for managers, but can be extended to all profiles involved in customer acquisition.

Ghostwriters don’t just write copy, they must also understand the intricacies of LinkedIn’s algorithm, the marketing strategy behind each publication, and possess editorial coaching skills. What’s more, they play a quasi-psychological role, capturing the personality and style of their customers to create authentic, personalized content. The relationship between ghostwriter and client is therefore based on trust and a thorough understanding of the client’s goals and vision.

Now that we’ve agreed on the definition, which, I grant you, is not a simple one at first sight. Let’s see which agencies are experts in this field. Thanks to MirrorProfiles, we were able to analyze the social selling index scores and see which agencies had the greatest impact.

Top 5 Ghostwriting Linkedin agencies


Linker is an agency specializing in ghostwriting and influence on LinkedIn, standing out for its 100% organic approach to account management. It’s the ideal solution for those looking to develop their personal branding and business on LinkedIn, without resorting to traditional advertising.

Linker offers a full range of services, from content creation to LinkedIn profile optimization, post writing and visual content creation. They place a premium on authenticity, and offer personalized strategies tailored to each customer’s personality and objectives.

The agency’s mission is to promote its clients’ personal brand and boost their credibility on LinkedIn by developing an engaged community around them. Coupled with MirrorProfiles, this strategy is formidable. In fact, your MirrorProfiles profile will be able to build up a Linkedin network specialized in a particular vertical, and have high-impact Linkedin content for a dedicated target.

Linker Reviews

Linker is undoubtedly the number 1 agency in this field. If you’re looking for the best, no-fuss accompaniment, this is the place to turn. Nevertheless, they are not the cheapest.

Ghost Agency

The Ghost agency, active since 2016, specializes in content marketing for VSEs and SMEs. She is dedicated to creating tailor-made content, adapted to her customers’ business objectives and digital performance monitoring. The agency offers a variety of services, including content writing, strategic auditing, SEO/SEA/CRO, and social media management, all focused on supporting conversion rate growth and strengthening companies’ online presence.

Ghost positions itself as a strategic partner, integrating its experts into its customers’ teams to work together to achieve their objectives. She emphasizes a personalized approach, tailoring her strategies to the specific needs of each customer. Founder Pauline Perrier, along with other consultants such as Mélanie Legendre, contribute their writing expertise to this success.

In short, Ghost Agency stands out for its performance- and people-focused approach, offering comprehensive, synergistic solutions to the complex issues faced by VSEs and SMEs.

Ghost Agency Reviews


LeadIn specializes in automated multi-channel prospecting for LinkedIn and email, offering all-in-one software to create and send intelligent automated sequences to prospects. This solution is designed for professionals and companies looking to maximize their contacts with potential customers, while being able to concentrate on their core business thanks to turnkey services.

What interests us about LeadIn is that it offers an outsourced content creation service for LinkedIn, designed specifically for businesses and professionals who lack the time or expertise to publish regularly on the platform. Their team of ghostwriters takes care of writing and publishing posts on LinkedIn, offering two main packages.

LeadIn Reviews


Cleverly is a high-end LinkedIn content agency specializing in ghostwriting to increase personal brand visibility and generate interested leads.

Using data from thousands of campaigns, Cleverly creates content formulas that perform very well on LinkedIn. The process includes interviews to create viral content, writing engaging posts, network development and seizing business opportunities.

With Cleverly, customers can become LinkedIn influencers, thanks to strategies forprofile optimization, network building, expert writing, and advanced engagement techniques.

The agency offers writers specialized in various fields, providing consulting and coaching services to increase engagement and master LinkedIn’s algorithm. Cleverly emphasizes the use of LinkedIn as an organic and sustainable asset for personal brands, pointing out that prospects trust personal brands more than corporate brands. Their services include LinkedIn content writing and publishing, network growth campaigns, ongoing content interviews, and engagement coaching sessions, with a monthly rate for the “Influencer” package of $997.

Cleverly notice


Malt is a freelancing platform where experts from various sectors offer their services. So why put it in the top agencies? Quite simply because for some of you, it’s more appropriate to use a freelance ghostwriter.

In this business, many experts are not attached to an agency and have their own vertical. They include Sébastien Beaujault, Tom Frankson, Valentine Sauda, Laurine Bemer, Brice Teluk, Dorith Naon and Thibault Louis.


Ghoswriting is the ability to develop strong personal branding on your Linkedin accounts. The benefits are twofold: in the short term, you’ll generate qualified leads, and in the medium/long term, you’ll increase your reputation and your company’s brand image.

For a company, it’s a mistake to develop only the Linkedin profile of the manager. Thanks to MirrorProfiles, you can perform specialized ghostwriting for each persona you own. For example, if you have 3 MirrorProfiles, you can break down the personal branding effect like this:

  • MirrorProfiles 1: Target C-lvl / executive
  • MirrorProfiles 2: Target Sales Manager
  • MirrorProfiles 3: Target Marketing Director

In conclusion, even if we recommend Linker, make 2 or 3 appointments to find out which player is the most expert in your field. Remember, when you contact these agencies or Ghoswriting freelancers, tell them about this verticalization technique with MirrorProfiles accounts. This won’t cost you any extra because it’s only a variation on the personae, not a drastic change to the text. Yet you’ll maximize the virality of your Linkedin posts and the visibility of your company.

Picture of Tristan Bance
Tristan Bance

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