Everything about linkedin pods

All you need to know about automated LinkedIn Pods: advantages and disadvantages



LinkedIn Pods have emerged as an ingenious solution for artificially boosting engagement with content published on LinkedIn. These Pods are communities organized around specific themes, in which each member benefits from an automatic push of likes, comments and shares from other members, with no manual action required. At first glance, this sounds fantastic, especially for those who know how important the first hour following a LinkedIn post is for maximizing the engagement rate and, consequently, the visibility of their content.

But, yes there is always an ahah. More and more questions are being asked about the real effectiveness of these Pods and the risk of LinkedIn detecting this practice, which could compromise the reach of your publications and even the credibility of your profile. In this article, we’ll take a detailed look at the pros and cons of automated LinkedIn Pods to help you make an informed decision.

Advantages of automated LinkedIn Pods :

LinkedIn, the professional social network launched in 2002 by entrepreneurs such as Reid Hoffman and Allen Blue, now boasts over 950 million subscribers and 380 million monthly active users. Acquired by Microsoft in 2016 for the astronomical sum of $26.2 billion, the site has evolved considerably, focusing on improving the user experience through engagement, content quality, and source diversity. In this context of declining organic reach, LinkedIn’s automated Pods offer some undeniable advantages.

Background :


With the decline in organic reach on social networks, businesses and professionals are looking for ways to increase the visibility of their publications without having to sponsor them. If you still run ads, check out this article on how to improve your ads with Linkedin.

How the LinkedIn algorithm works :


LinkedIn’s algorithm works primarily on the engagement rate of your publications. Once posted, a publication is initially shown to a small sample of your network. If this initial audience interacts favorably with your content, it is then presented to a wider audience. The engagement rate should (ideally) exceed 30%, and here’s how it’s calculated. Engagement rate = (the sum of likes, comments and shares) / (the number of relationships you have).

LinkedIn Pods:


This is where LinkedIn’s automated Pods come in. These are groups of individuals who mutually commit to increasing the visibility of their publications by generating likes and automatic comments. Pod types vary, from manual Pods, which require direct exchanges between members, to automated Pods, which use tools like Lempod, Alcapod, or Podawaa to automate this process.

Advantages of automated Pods :

  • Increased engagement: The first benefit is, of course, the increased engagement rate, which is vital for the visibility of your posts.
  • Seeking the “sheep effect “: A high engagement rate encourages more interactions, exploiting the “sheep effect” where users are more inclined to interact with already popular content.
  • Extended reach: Your publications gain visibility, reaching a wider audience than your immediate network.
  • Post scheduling: Tools like Lempod, Alcapod and Podawaa allow you not only to automate engagement but also to schedule your posts, which is particularly useful for professionals with a long-term editorial strategy.

Despite these undeniable advantages, LinkedIn Pods are not without their drawbacks. We’ll look at these aspects in the next section.

Disadvantages of automated LinkedIn Pods

LinkedIn Pods, whether manual or automated, are not without their shortcomings. Before integrating them into your LinkedIn strategy, it is important to consider several negative aspects:

  1. Lack of vertical targeting: The big problem with Pods is often that not all members are from your target sector. Having a targeted, verticalized network on LinkedIn is essential for effective communication, cf the calculation of engagement rates.
  2. Misuse and bad reputation: Inappropriate use of these tools can contribute to a bad reputation, compromising the authenticity of your profile.
  3. Violation of LinkedIn rules: Use of Pods is contrary to LinkedIn policies and may result in sanctions up to and including account suspension.
  4. Quality of interactions: Especially with automated Pods, the quality of comments and engagements can be very low, which can damage your image.
  5. Unqualified audience: You could attract engagement from people who have no interest in your field, diluting the effectiveness of your messages.
  6. Lack of active members: In many Pods, especially manuals, there’s a strong presence of ghost members, i.e. members who don’t actively participate.
  7. Time-consuming manual Pods: Although manual Pods can deliver higher-quality interactions, they require a considerable investment of time.
  8. Algorithm detection risk: LinkedIn has refined its algorithm to detect and penalize inauthentic types of engagement, including those generated by Pods.
  9. Dependence and neglect: Over-reliance on Pods can make you dependent on them to the detriment of other crucial aspects of your LinkedIn marketing strategy, such as outbound prospecting.
  10. Lack of authenticity: The use of Pods can give the impression that your engagement is not authentic, affecting your credibility and online reputation.
A group of people holding cell phones participating in Automated LinkedIn pods.

It’s worth noting that LinkedIn closely monitors Pod activity and is able to take action against accounts that abuse them. For the record, the creator of this solution is Guillaume Moulbeche of Lemlist with Lempod. When Linkedin realized that he had created this tool and, above all, this technique, he banned his account for life, triggering the hastag freeguillaume on Linkedin. After several months and at the insistence of his community, Guillaume was able to recreate a Linkedin profile.

The use of these tools must therefore be cautious and in compliance with the platform’s rules.

Automated Pods certainly have their advantages, but the disadvantages underline the fact that there’s no substitute for a real community.

Nevertheless, judicious and targeted use, particularly through private Pods, can represent a significant competitive advantage. The key to a successful LinkedIn strategy lies in a balanced and complementary approach between outbound and inbound campaigns.

Mirrorprofiles and Linkedin Pods

Mirrorprofiles is a solution that provides ready-made LinkedIn accounts for various forms of automation. MirrorProfiles is indispensable for outbound marketing strategies. But what can it do for your inbound marketing strategy? Here are a few points to consider:

Inbound strategy with Mirrorprofiles :

  1. Using private Pods: Register all your Mirrorprofiles accounts and those of your colleagues in a single private Pod. This will enable your entire company to like and comment collectively, whether for commercial or recruitment publications.
  2. Verticalization and personalization: One of the main drawbacks of Pods is their heterogeneity in terms of members and interests. Opt for moderately-sized Pods (50-200 members) and fully customize your Mirrorprofiles account before joining. Mirrorprofiles accounts are 100% customizable. For example, you can first configure it as the profile of an IT engineering expert, then once accepted into the Pod, reconfigure it in your corporate colors. This hack is particularly useful if your product is aimed at a specific niche. A post on this product will benefit from the engagement of targeted profiles, reinforcing your credibility. To optimize your Linkedin profile, consult our guides on the subject.
  3. Maximizing Utilization: Between outbound and inbound strategies, using Mirrorprofiles accounts can automate around 70% of your LinkedIn acquisition strategy. With such automation, the return on investment (ROI) is often impressive.


Using Mirrorprofiles in conjunction with LinkedIn Pods can be a powerful strategy for boosting your visibility and engagement on the platform. Nevertheless, it is crucial to use these tools in compliance with LinkedIn’s rules to avoid any risk of sanctions.

If, like many LinkedIn Pod enthusiasts, the idea of buying subscribers to rapidly expand your network appeals to you, it’s important to proceed with caution. Like Pods, buying subscribers may look attractive on paper, but the reality can be very different. To learn more about the risks and benefits of this strategy, I invite you to read this article:
Buying subscribers for a LinkedIn account in 2023

In short, each tool has its advantages and disadvantages. The secret of a successful LinkedIn strategy lies in a balanced and thoughtful use of these various options.

Picture of Tristan Bance
Tristan Bance

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