linkedin and meta ads tips to increase roas

How can I improve my advertising with Linkedin?



LinkedIn Ads is a SEA lever that can effectively complement a more global acquisition strategy. You may be wondering why it’s so expensive and how it can be less ROI than other outbound levers?

The answer lies in combining inbound and outbound actions.

Companies that do both simultaneously achieve better results, whether on their outbound or inbound campaigns (SEA, SEO, etc.).

But how can you improve Ads in general and optimize them right from the start? That’s where we come in.

In this article, we reveal an important tip that will help you save considerable sums of money.

How do SEA platforms work?

Whether you’re in B2B or B2C, the technique we’re about to explore works for both. Let’s focus on Linkedin Ads and Meta (Facebook / Instagram) platforms.

a) Linkedin Ads

Definition of LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads is like the Swiss Army knife of online advertising for professionals. Accessible via the Campaign Manager interface, it offers a variety of tools for creating ads that match your brand’s image.

Why use LinkedIn Ads?

Imagine being able to hit a professional target with the precision of an archer. That’s what LinkedIn Ads lets you do. Whether you want to expand your network, find loyal customers or promote your business on a global scale, LinkedIn Ads is your ally.

Advertising formats in LinkedIn Ads

The ad formats in LinkedIn Ads are like the different strings on your bow, each with its own specificity:

  1. Sponsored Content: Share videos, images and informative content just like a regular post.
  2. Text Ads or Message Ads: Less visible, ideal for targeted distribution.
  3. Sponsored InMail: Maximum personalization to reach the right person.
  4. Dynamic Ads: Personalization with target profile data.
  5. Video Ads: Capture attention visually.
  6. Carousel Ads: Stages from two to ten images.

Setting ad targeting

It’s like choosing the right arrow for the right target. You can target users according to various criteria, optimizing the effectiveness of your advertising campaign.

b) Meta for Business

The networks supporting Meta are the 2 main ones: Facebook and Instagram. Even in B2B, they are not to be neglected. Let’s take an example: a CFO is over-solicited on Linkedin, but he/she remains a person like you and me and may consult Facebook/Instagram in his/her spare time. The technique is to carry out awareness campaigns in your spare time, so as to give credibility to your approach when prospecting.

Definition of Meta Ads

Meta Ads is like a fine paintbrush that lets you paint your targeted advertising messages. Choose the age, gender, interests, profession, location and language of your target audience.

Meta Ads formats

  1. Locations on Computer or Mobile Device: Choose where your ad will appear.
  2. Meta Group Social Networks: Broadcast on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, or Audience Network.
  3. News Feeds or Stories: Broadcast in news feeds or stories.
  4. Automatic Locations: Let Meta choose for you.

Targeting Facebook ads

It’s like choosing the ingredients for the perfect recipe. There are 5 main targeting categories, allowing you to target based on age, gender, language, location, passions, habits, behaviors, links to your pages, and more.

Once you have a database containing personal e-mail addresses (be careful never to use them for outgoing e-mail marketing), you can use the feature found on Likedin Ads and Meta Ads: the similar audience.

This feature was invented for e-commerce companies to retarget prospects resembling their customer portfolio. So we’re going to subtly trick these platforms into thinking that these email addresses are actually our “customers”. The minimum email addresses you need are :

  • Metas Ads: 1000
  • Linkedin Ads: 400

How do you get those famous email addresses?

To obtain these personal email addresses for your similar audiences, simply arm yourself with the following tools:

  • Sales Navigator
  • Between 2 and 10 MirrorProfiles accounts
  • All equipped with an automation tool: Waalaxy, Lemlist or Heyreach

Once equipped, you’re ready to go. The first thing to do: A
good Sales Navigator search

As soon as you’re satisfied with the result, you can save your search and use your own nomenclature. When I say “clean”, I mean that this nomenclature will let you know at a glance who’s hiding in this database.

This will allow you to combine Sales Navigator filters with additional filters from Linkedin Ads or Meta Ads.

Next, you’ll pair your MirrorProfiles accounts with one of these
5 automation tools

Why use MirrorProfiles? With Linkedin’s quotas, it’s going to take you a long time to build up your 1,000 target e-mail addresses if you don’t have the firepower.

mirror profiles linkedin profile rental

With 5 MirrorProfiles accounts, you can send 1,000 connection requests per week. With an average acceptance rate of at least 20%, you’ll get 200 email addresses connected per week.

Yes, you recover 98% of personal e-mail addresses when someone logs on.

That’s the trick 😉 In 5 weeks, you’ll have enough email addresses to build similar audiences.

Good practice is to couple a connection request with no note, then 6 weeks later send a prospecting message. In fact, it will already be 1 week since these people received your ads, and without knowing it, you’ll be performing on both your inbound and outbound campaigns.

This technique has been implemented by Stepward a specialized outbound agency, which feeds its customers’ marketing teams with these famous databases. The combination of an awareness campaign and an outbound campaign works wonders!


This hack will enable you to quickly and directly improve your Linkedin ads. The icing on the cake? You will recover 15 to 18% of telephone numbers in addition to personal email addresses.

If you like this tip, I invite you to also take a look at Stepward’s article on building a Sales machine via Linkedin.

You now have all the keys you need to improve your advertising with LinkedIn. So, are you ready to take action?

Picture of Tristan Bance
Tristan Bance

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