10 golden rules for writing prospecting messages

10 golden rules for writing prospecting messages


Introduction :

Outbound prospecting needs good copywriting to perform. Whether it’s prospecting for leads or candidates. Thanks to MirrorProfiles and in collaboration with Stepward, we were able to analyze the messages with the highest return rates. Instead of giving you ready-made templates that won’t work for your business, we’ve decided to bring you the essential points to follow when writing prospecting messages, whether on Linkedin or for emailing.

When we speak of copywriting or prospecting messages, we’re thinking of an automated sequence for producing approach and follow-up messages.

Copywriting includes not only the content of messages, but also the objective and strategy adopted. Before writing your messages, take a look at your databases, which you’ve probably built up through Linkedin.

What information do these databases provide? Do you know the sector? Company size? What job does your prospect do? The company’s latest activities? In short! You need to take into account all the information you have, but especially the information you don’t know. Never start with an assumption.

Indeed, if you’re missing essential information before drafting the perfect message to reach your targets, you’ll need to improve your database beforehand.

For example, one of our customers needed to qualify its database before making contact. He was missing an essential piece of information: the make of the machines used by his prospect.

Thanks to this data, he could focus his copywriting on this or that argument where his product was better than his prospect’s current brand of machine.

The problem is that this information is not available, either on their website or in any other medium. Consequently, it was impossible to obtain this information by scraping. You had to ask your prospects directly. But he wanted to be relevant right from the start. We have therefore developed the following strategy:

  1. Thanks to MirrorProfiles, we have deployed 5 Linkedin accounts

  2. We personalized them as if they were students

  3. These 5 Linkedin accounts contacted its database simply by asking, as part of their Master’s degree, what brand their machine was.

Result: We were able to qualify 73% of our customer’s database.

adapt your message

Now that you’ve got all the information you need to write your prospecting messages, let’s focus on the objective. Copywriting always has a purpose, which can be categorized as follows:

  • The marketing objective is used to qualify or trigger 1 action on the part of our prospect: webinar, white paper reading, etc.

  • The Sales objective is to increase the number of appointments.

  • The Recruitment objective is used to increase the number of candidate interviews.

It’s important to keep the objective in mind, so as not to create an inconsistent Call To Action. On the other hand, you can test different objectives on the same target (or database). Thanks to MirrorProfiles, you can easily carry out A/B testing on Linkedin.

So now you have your database, your objectives and your strategies. You can now start writing your prospecting messages.

The 10 golden rules of copywriting for Linkedin

Here’s a 10-point guide to perfecting your prospecting messages, applicable to both customer and candidate searches. First of all, it is now forbidden to include external links or websites directly in your Linkedin prospecting messages. You must first ask your prospect for permission. If not, Linkedin detects this as spam and may ban the account.

  1. Build prospecting sequences of 5 to 7 messages, spaced at least 3 working days apart.

  2. Avoid an overly commercial style and opt for simple, direct language.

For example, instead of saying, “At Pavageau, we’re convinced that offering goodies bearing your establishment’s logo is a great way to build customer loyalty while providing a unique experience,” say, “Personalized goodies are a great way to build customer loyalty. Everyone loves to receive gifts, and it’s one of the best strategies for encouraging word-of-mouth.”

  1. Keep your messages concise: no more than 500 characters. You’ll see, it goes very fast.

  2. Your messages should sound natural, and don’t forget that LinkedIn is a social network. So avoid adding your signature and polite phrases such as “Nice day” or “Yours sincerely”, which can give the impression that the conversation is over.

  3. Your first reminder message should be brief, and can include a short, relevant argument. For example: “{{firstName}}, did you have a chance to read my last message?”

  4. Although it may seem counter-intuitive, on a social network, it’s best to be on first-name terms with your interlocutor. English speakers don’t need to worry about this subtlety of the French language!

  5. Use positive phrasing in your sentences. Instead of saying, “I must not be at the right time, you must be busy”, prefer “When you have a moment”.

  6. Avoid using bulleted lists on LinkedIn, as they don’t suit the network’s format and make your message longer. Use short sentences.

  7. Be sure to include a clear and precise call to action (CTA). Avoid formulas such as “Are you interested?”

  8. Finally, and most importantly, before you finalize your message, ask yourself if you would respond if you were in the recipient’s shoes.

By following these tips, you’ll optimize the effectiveness of your prospecting messages on LinkedIn.

10 golden rules of LinkedIn copywriting

As part of your company’s acquisition strategy, you need to contact your prospects through a variety of channels. Linkedin is the 1st, the most ROI-rich, but then you need to upgrade your databases to contact all the prospects who haven’t responded to you via emailing.

The 10 golden rules of copywriting for email marketing

In the same way as for LinkedIn, here are 10 essential tips for writing your email prospecting messages, whether you’re looking to attract customers or candidates.

  1. Avoid including hyperlinks in your emails for two reasons: recipients are increasingly wary of non-visible links, and email services such as G-suite may see this as a negative factor for your email deliverability.

  2. Don’t use your professional jargon. Take the time to research and use your prospect’s specific vocabulary, so that you speak their language.

  3. The subject of your email should not exceed 5 words. Avoid including emojis or questions, and make sure it looks like a message a colleague might send.

  4. Unlike LinkedIn, don’t hesitate to use bulleted lists to structure your email.

  5. Your emails should be no longer than 500 words to keep them concise and to the point.

  6. Use striking visual elements to maximize the impact of your message. On average, a person spends 3 seconds reading an email and focuses primarily on :

    • The first sentence
    • The questions
    • Items in bold
    • Postscript (PS)
    • The signature

      Visual elements such as question marks, numbers, bold words and “PS” are particularly eye-catching.

  7. Every email should bring value to its recipient, so don’t give away all your arguments in the first message.

  8. Space your reminders at least 5 working days apart to avoid appearing insistent.

  9. Use custom variables or merge tags. You can use more email addresses than on LinkedIn. Check out this article on automation tools to discover the “Merge Tags” available.

  10. And finally, as with LinkedIn, the crucial question to ask yourself before finalizing your message is: if you received this prospecting message, would you respond?

By following these recommendations, you’ll optimize the effectiveness of your email prospecting campaigns.

10 golden rules of copywriting for email marketing


In conclusion, outbound prospecting is an art that requires perfect mastery of copywriting, whether to attract leads or recruit new talent. Thanks to the collaboration between MirrorProfiles and Stepward, we were able to analyze in depth the messages generating the most engagement and responses. Rather than providing you with ready-made templates that aren’t adapted to your specific activity, we’ve chosen to share with you the fundamental principles to be respected when writing your prospecting messages, whether on LinkedIn or by email.

Outbound prospecting requires a thorough understanding of your audience, a well-defined strategy and impeccable execution. By taking into account the specifics of each communication channel and following the advice in this guide, you’ll be able to create powerful, personalized prospecting messages that will resonate with your prospects and generate concrete results.

Don’t forget that the key to success lies in the relevance and personalization of your messages. Take the time to get to know your audience, understand their needs and expectations, and fine-tune your messages to make them as engaging and convincing as possible. With practice, attention to detail and a strategic approach, you’ll master the art of outbound prospecting and see your response rates and conversions improve significantly.

So put these tips into practice, refine your approach and start reaping the rewards of your outbound prospecting efforts today. Good luck and good sales!

Picture of Tristan Bance
Tristan Bance

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