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How do I create a LinkedIn business account?

How do I create a Linkedin Business Account?



To carry out effective prospecting on LinkedIn, you need to have a LinkedIn account for a person (real or fictitious). This account must be associated with an identity, including first and last name, job title and company. In practice, this means using your personal account or that of a colleague. In fact, you can’t prospect with a Linkedin Business page.

It’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the limits imposed by LinkedIn, which can hamper your prospecting approach. Beware: inappropriate use may lead to suspension of your account, resulting in the loss of your data. What’s more, if an employee who uses his or her account for prospecting leaves the company, you also risk losing access to this valuable information.

In this article, we’ll look at how to set up a linkedin account dedicated to your business.

Prospecting with LinkedIn for your business

For effective prospecting, it’s essential to use a personal LinkedIn account. This account must be associated with an identity, including a surname, first name, job title and company name. Once you’ve created your account, simply follow the steps below:

Building a Solid Network:

Having an extensive network (over 500 contacts) is a major asset. LinkedIn is structured around a system of “circles” or connection levels, which determine how users interact and access other members on the platform.

  • 1sts (direct connections): these are people you’ve added as contacts and who have accepted your invitation, or vice versa. You can interact freely with them, view their full profiles, and send them direct messages.
  • 2e (your connections’ connections): These users are connected directly to your 1st-level contacts, but not to you. You can see their name and basic information, and you can add them to your network by sending them an invitation. Access to these profiles is more limited than to your 1st level connections.
  • 3rd and +: 3rd-level connections are the contacts of your 2nd-level contacts. Your access to their information is even more restricted. Often, all you see is their name and professional title, with no further details. To interact with them, either add them to your network, or use InMail credits (LinkedIn’s premium service) to send them messages.

The Importance of an Extended Network :

The larger your 1st level network, the more 2nd and 3rd level profiles you have access to. This means you can potentially reach a larger number of professionals relevant to your business or prospecting objectives. An extensive network also increases the visibility of your profile, as you appear in searches for people connected to your direct and indirect contacts.

Network strategy :

To maximize the effectiveness of LinkedIn for prospecting, it’s advisable to strategically expand your 1st-level network. This means connecting with relevant professionals in your sector, but also with people with a large number of connections, which indirectly extends your reach on the platform.

Using Automation Tools :

Prospecting on LinkedIn can be time-consuming. Usingautomation tools can therefore be a wise strategy for optimizing your time and increasing your efficiency.

The risks of using a Personal Account

Prospecting on Linkedin is not without risk. The automation tools you can use can put your account at risk. Linkedin has a detection algorithm and bans all accounts that do not comply with its terms and conditions. That’s why the vast majority of tools simply mimic the human for greater security, but even so, there’s no such thing as 0 risk.

For example, inappropriate use of a LinkedIn account, such as sending mass messages, can result in a ban from the platform.

If your account is suspended, you risk losing access to all your accumulated relationships, contacts and databases.

What’s more, if an employee using his or her personal account for prospecting leaves the company, all contacts and information collected may be lost. It is therefore crucial to implement a strategy to secure this data.

What is a LinkedIn Company Page?

Having explored the importance of a personal LinkedIn profile for prospecting, it’s essential to understand the role and creation of a LinkedIn company page.

A LinkedIn Company Page is a public profile representing your organization. It lets you showcase your company, its products and services, and publish relevant content to build and strengthen your employer brand. Your company will be visible and recognizable with a professional logo and cover image. These visual elements are essential for creating a positive first impression. Here you can describe your company, highlighting your values, your mission and what sets you apart. You can even invite your employees, partners and customers to follow your page to increase its visibility.

Your company page belongs to your company, not to a personal account. It’s important to note that, unlike a personal profile, a company page cannot send private messages to LinkedIn users. This prevents its use for direct prospecting.

A viable solution to this problem is to use MirrorProfiles.

MirrorProfiles offers an alternative, enabling the creation of LinkedIn profiles that reflect the professional identity of sales reps, while being managed and controlled by the company. This makes it possible to carry out prospecting activities while preserving the integrity of employees’ personal profiles and respecting LinkedIn’s policies.

In short, while LinkedIn company pages are crucial for visibility and branding, for direct, personalized prospecting, the use of individual profiles, such as those offered by MirrorProfiles, remains a more suitable strategy.

Rent a LinkedIn Account Dedicated to Prospecting

In addition to the fact that renting a MirrorProfiles account means that companies can avoid using their employees’ personal accounts for prospecting or recruiting, they also multiply the volume of prospecting.

Compatible with all automation tools on the market, MirrorProfiles offers robust dummy Linkedin accounts. They have more than 500 connections and 3 months of intensive heating before they can be rented out.

Our key arguments:

  • You can contact several thousand people while keeping your current sales team. Equipping 1 sales rep with 10 Linkedin accounts enables him to contact 1,000 people a week.
  • You keep your leads and your network, even if your sales rep leaves your company.
  • Secure your LinkedIn accounts and those of your colleagues.

One of the main advantages of renting a MirrorProfiles account is the preservation of your business pipeline, even in the event of a change of personnel, since the account belongs to the company and not to the individual.

This solution also enables you to manage multiple LinkedIn profiles simultaneously, increasing your prospecting opportunities. In the rare event of account suspension, which affects less than 5% of our accounts, a replacement is guaranteed within 24 hours.


Prospecting on LinkedIn presents unique challenges. Using a personal account for prospecting can lead to suspension and loss of valuable data, especially if the employee leaves the company. On the other hand, a LinkedIn company page, while useful for branding and visibility, does not enable direct prospecting.

In this context, the MirrorProfiles solution emerges as an optimal strategy. By renting a LinkedIn account dedicated to prospecting via MirrorProfiles, companies benefit from enhanced security and continuity in their sales pipeline, regardless of staff changes. These accounts, carefully prepared and compatible with all the automation tools on the market, offer unprecedented flexibility and a significant reduction in suspension risks.

What’s more, the possibility of equipping a sales rep with several LinkedIn accounts via MirrorProfiles opens up new prospects for prospecting. This not only increases the volume of potential contacts, but also ensures a more diversified and strategic presence on the platform.

All in all, MirrorProfiles represents a significant advance in the art of LinkedIn prospecting, offering companies a solution that is both effective, secure and compliant with the platform’s policies. This approach makes it possible to skillfully navigate the LinkedIn ecosystem, maximizing opportunities for growth and commercial success.

So you know what you have to do: Rent MirrorProfiles accounts 😉

Picture of Tristan Bance
Tristan Bance

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