M profiles logo on a black background.
récupérer des numéros sur linkedin gratuitement

Use LinkedIn to get free phone numbers


Why use LinkedIn to get free phone numbers and emails?

LinkedIn has become a valuable tool for professionals, especially those looking to expand their network. This platform is packed with valuable information, including phone numbers and emails. Some users share this information in their contact details, and once you’re connected to them, you can see it.

So how do I get free Linkedin phone numbers?

Let’s look at two possibilities.

I. 1st possibility: You have Sales Navigator and a scrapping tool

If the term “scrapping” doesn’t frighten you, then you’re probably already familiar with the concept.

If you have Sales Navigator, you can use tools such as Phantom Buster or Captain Data to scrape the prospects that interest you.

Next, the key step is to send connection requests. The aim here is to maximize the acceptance rate of your connection requests.

To increase this rate, we invite you to consult our article“How to achieve a 50% acceptance rate“, which will give you some valuable advice.

Once you’re connected to your prospects, you can “rescue” their profiles to access their phone numbers, without the need for a third-party data enrichment tool.

It’s an efficient and free way of obtaining this valuable information.

Diagram tutorial for scrapping linkedin phone numbers from sales navigator

II. Option 2: You don't have any tools beforehand? Waalaxy is there for you!

If you’re new to Sales Navigator, Phantom or Captain Data, don’t panic. There’s a more affordable way to recover phone numbers for the low, low price of €0.

With Waalaxy, you can retrieve phone numbers from LinkedIn at no extra cost and with any Waalaxy plan: Freemium, Pro, Advanced, Business.

In terms of handling, it’s exactly the same technique as in Part 1.

But what is “data scraping”?

Data scraping

Data scraping lets you extract and structure data from sources originally intended for human reading. This information is unstructured, undocumented and not optimized for easy extraction.

In our case, we extract data from third-party sources (LinkedIn), scrape it using our integrated “data finder”, and add it to our CRM (Hubspot) in what we call data enrichment.

Is it risky to use a “contact number finder” on LinkedIn?

This can be risky, depending on the tool you use and the way it retrieves data. The main risk is having your account suspended or banned by LinkedIn. The latter can happen if your activities are deemed suspicious by LinkedIn, especially if they resemble those of a robot.

If you’re worried about losing your personal account by scraping, we’ve developed MirrorProfiles, a Linkedin profile rental service that lets you “scrape” LinkedIn without jeopardizing your personal account.

What’s more, if you respect our recommended quotas, you can use Waalaxy without any risk to your LinkedIn account.

How do I scrape phone numbers on LinkedIn?

Nothing could be simpler. All you need to do is :

  • Install the Waalaxy extension on Chrome or Firefox
  • Search for your targets in your “search” area

search screen to target prospects with Waalaxy

  • Import to Waalaxy on the right panel, and connect with your prospects on LinkedIn
  • Once you have been accepted by the prospects, go to the Waalaxy Prospect tab, select the “All Prospects” list.
  • Select the second filter “Has a phone number”.
  • On Waalaxy, you’ll then have access to all the people whose telephone numbers are available on the prospect’s file.

    get free phone numbers with waalaxy

Our own test results

For our Business Developer profile, we succeeded in recovering almost 40% of the telephone numbers among the total number of prospects connected. This represents :

1,140 telephone numbers for 2,850 connections.

And to be even more precise, we launched campaigns on 10 other LinkedIn profiles. We obtained an average of 34% of telephone numbers.

So yes, it’s not 100%, but that’s still 1,140 people to contact and potentially add to your portfolio of new customers!


Using LinkedIn to find phone numbers and emails can be an effective strategy for developing your customer portfolio.

Whether you have a scrapping tool or not, there are ways of doing this. So why not give it a try and see for yourself?


1. Is it safe to scrape phone numbers on LinkedIn?

Yes, it’s safe as long as you respect the quotas recommended by the experts, and even more so if you use a MirrorProfiles account rather than your personal account.

2. Can I use a tool other than Waalaxy for scrapping?

Yes, there are other scrapping tools like Phantom Buster or Captain Data that you can use if you have a Sales Navigator subscription.

3. What is data scraping?

Data scraping is a method for extracting and structuring data from sources initially intended for human reading.

4. Does everyone on LinkedIn share their phone number?

No, not everyone shares their phone number on LinkedIn. However, many people do, which gives you a good chance of recovering this information.

5. What are the risks of using a contact number finder on LinkedIn?

The two main risks are doing something illegal and being banned from a social network because your activity is suspicious. So make sure you use the right tools and respect the recommended quotas.

6. How do I use these phone numbers?

Once you’ve collected these phone numbers, you can use them to establish more direct contact with your prospects. This could include phone calls, text messages, or even SMS marketing campaigns.

Do I need to rent a Linkedin account for scrapbooking?

The verdict? Let’s see if renting an account is right for you:

In view of the various apparent advantages of renting an account, it may be appropriate to multiply your strike force on this social network:

Why automate your LinkedIn prospecting?

What would be your reason for renting an account?

Picture of Tristan Bance
Tristan Bance

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