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Linkedin Automatic Message: Advantages and disadvantages

Linkedin Automatic Message: Advantages and disadvantages



LinkedIn automation is a hot topic in the world of digital marketing. Used wisely, this tool can be extremely effective on LinkedIn, while poor mastery can lead to disappointing results. At the heart of this marketing dynamic are automated prospecting messages, a crucial element of any marketing automation strategy aimed at engaging prospects on LinkedIn. Although
automation tools
are accessible today and relatively easy to use, they don’t take care of the writing of prospecting messages, which you still have to do to convince your prospects. This article will examine the pros and cons of using automated prospecting messages on your LinkedIn profile, with a particular focus on best practices for maximizing their effectiveness and converting more leads on Linkedin with automated messages.

Best practices for a good automated message on LinkedIn

In the current context of LinkedIn, a tool where professionals receive between 5 and 10 interactions a day, it’s crucial to rethink the very notion of a “good message”. In fact, simply sending a single message to your prospects is no longer enough to capture attention in this tool, which is seen as an ocean of solicitations. It’s more appropriate to talk about “message sequences”, a LinkedIn marketing strategy that involves sending a series of targeted communications, strategically spaced over time, to your leads. This approach not only maintains engagement, but also gradually builds a valuable relationship with your prospects on Linkedin. For these message sequences to be effective, they must incorporate several key elements:

  • Personalization: Far from the generic approach, personalization is the basis of a successful message on LinkedIn. This means going beyond inserting the recipient’s first name in the message. It’s all about understanding and integrating your prospects’ specific needs, professional interests and the context of each recipient into the design of the message. This attention to detail greatly increases the chances of receiving a response, as it shows prospects that the message has been thought through and is specifically addressed to them. The key to personalization lies in the quality of your prospecting file: you need to make sure you’re collecting recent data and know where it comes from. One technique is to scrape leads yourself using the various Linkedin filters or the Sales Navigator tool.
  • Clarity and conciseness: In a world where time is a precious resource, respecting the recipient’s time is fundamental. Linkedin prospecting messages should therefore be clear and concise, getting straight to the point without unnecessary detours for your prospects. Aim for messages between 200 and 500 characters maximum. This doesn’t mean sacrificing the quality of the content, but rather presenting the information in a way that is effective for your prospects, ensuring that every word has its importance and contributes to the overall objective of the message.
  • Added value: Each linkedin message must add something of value to your prospects. Whether it’s relevant information, a unique perspective or a specific offer, the goal is to research your prospects to ensure that they clearly perceive what’s in it for them. This perception of value not only encourages a response, but also fosters the building of a relationship based on mutual exchange and respect.
  • The call to action: An often overlooked but essential element in the design of LinkedIn prospecting messages is the call to action (CTA). An effective CTA is clear, direct and invites the recipient to take a specific action, whether it’s replying to the message, consulting a link or scheduling a meeting. The call to action must be perceived as a natural and advantageous step in the continuity of the exchange.

By integrating these tools into your prospecting message sequences on your LinkedIn profile, you not only increase your chances of capturing your prospects’ attention in a saturated environment, but also lay the foundations for fruitful and meaningful professional interactions.

Example of messages 1 :

Hello {{firstName}},

Your worksite equipment ensures safety and practicality on your sites. You might as well take the opportunity to promote your brand in the field.

Have you ever thought about customized bags for carrying PPE, work clothes and equipment branded with your company’s image?

How do you currently manage these communication/practice aspects?

This LinkedIn message stands out for its personalized approach, capturing attention from the very first line by using the recipient’s first name. The questions asked are designed to stimulate the recipient’s reflection on their current practices and the opportunity to enhance their brand, thus encouraging engagement. Here, the CTA is an open-ended tool designed to engage the prospect in a real conversation.

Remember, your LinkedIn profile is a tool, but it’s still a social network. Avoid formal greetings that could prematurely end the conversation.

By following these tips and drawing on successful examples, you’ll be able to write effective prospecting messages on the LinkedIn network. These practices, illustrated by concrete and sustained examples, can be found in our guide as well as in oursample messages article.

Having established the foundations of effective communication on your LinkedIn profile, let’s explore the concrete benefits of automating these contacts.

The benefits of message automation on LinkedIn

Automating prospecting messages on your LinkedIn profile is a tool that offers several significant advantages, which can transform the way businesses and professionals approach prospecting and networking on this platform.

  • Operational efficiency: One of the main benefits of automation tools on your Linkedin profile is their ability to save precious time. Rather than spending hours writing and sending linkedIn messages individually, automation is a tool that enables you to reach a large number of prospects in a minimum amount of time. This increases the operational efficiency of your LinkedIn prospecting campaigns and frees up users to focus on other value-added tasks.
  • Consistency in communication: Maintaining an active presence on your LinkedIn profile is crucial to building and nurturing professional relationships. Automation is a tool that ensures constant and regular communication with your network, boosting your visibility and engagement without requiring a substantial manual investment.
  • Measurement and optimization: One of the strengths of the automation tools on your LinkedIn profile is their ability to provide precise data on the performance of message campaigns. This data enables us to monitor the effectiveness of different sequences of prospecting messages, and to make the necessary adjustments to optimize results. This creates a cycle of continuous improvement, where every LinkedIn campaign is an opportunity to learn and adapt.
  • Refocus your teams’ true human value: By delegating repetitive, unrewarding tasks to automation tools on LinkedIn, salespeople and recruiters can reallocate their time to more strategic activities. This enables them to better segment their target, deepen their understanding of their prospects’ needs and devote more time to face-to-face exchanges or virtual appointments, where the human touch makes all the difference.

Despite these undeniable advantages, message automation is a prospecting tool on LinkedIn that comes with its share of challenges and limitations, which it’s essential to recognize in order to get the most out of it while avoiding potential pitfalls.

The disadvantages of automating messages on LinkedIn

Although the automation of messages on LinkedIn offers considerable advantages in terms of efficiency and consistency, it also has certain disadvantages that need to be taken into account to maximize the tool’s effectiveness while preserving the quality of professional relationships.

  • The risk of non-personalization: One of the main pitfalls of automation on your LinkedIn profile is the temptation to use overly generic prospecting messages. This type of communication risks seriously undermining the commitment of recipients, who may feel unimportant if the message does not reflect an understanding of their needs or specific context. To overcome this problem, fine segmentation of your LinkedIn database is crucial. This makes it possible to personalize messages in a more targeted way, according to the characteristics and interests of different groups within your network. Resources such as MirrorProfiles offer invaluable tips and tools for accurate LinkedIn searches, facilitating effective segmentation.
  • Negative perception: Another difficulty lies in the perception that some recipients have of automated messages. It’s not uncommon for these to be perceived as impersonal or intrusive, which can damage the image of your brand or professional profile. It is therefore essential to ensure that prospecting messages maintain an authentic and respectful tone, reflecting a genuine desire to establish meaningful professional relationships.
  • Platform limitations: LinkedIn imposes strict restrictions on the use of automation tools, in order to preserve the authenticity of interactions on its platform. Incorrect use of these tools may result in limitations or even penalties for your profile.

Fortunately, solutions like MirrorProfiles and Stepward are available to help you navigate this regulated environment. MirrorProfiles offers tools such as ready-to-rent Linkedin accounts to automate the process. So you can multiply your ability to contact hundreds of people without risking your personal Linkedin profile. If you need help setting up your prospecting campaigns, Stepward can help you from writing personalized prospecting messages to creating prospecting campaigns tailored to your target audience. In this way, your prospecting will be fully operational and effective.

In short, while automation on LinkedIn presents challenges, a thoughtful approach, focused on personalization and adherence to platform standards, can leverage the benefits of this tool while minimizing its drawbacks.


The art of writing automatic prospecting messages on your LinkedIn profile is a valuable marketing skill in the modern professional world, where effective and relevant communication is paramount to finding your future customers. Understanding and applying the best practices of personalization, clarity, added value and call-to-action can transform your message sequences into powerful tools for networking and prospecting.

The “linkedIn automation” of prospecting messages, while beneficial for increasing operational efficiency and ensuring consistency in communication, must be used with discernment. The risks of non-personalization and the negative perception of generic prospecting messages underline the importance of careful segmentation of your database and a genuine, respectful approach to message writing.

What’s more, it’s crucial to skilfully navigate the limitations imposed by LinkedIn to use automation tools in a compliant and ethical way. Mirrorprofiles offers a solution for intelligently automating your communication efforts on LinkedIn, respecting both the platform’s quotas and your prospecting objectives.

Ultimately, balancing the efficiency of automation with the personal touch of communication is the key to establishing and maintaining successful professional relationships on LinkedIn. By adhering to the principles of personalization, clarity, relevance and engagement, your prospecting messages are sure to stand out in your recipients’ inboxes, paving the way for rewarding opportunities and meaningful collaborations.

Picture of Tristan Bance
Tristan Bance

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