Prospecting with several Linkedin accounts

Prospecting with several Linkedin accounts



Canvassing on several Linkedin accounts requires a real sense of direction and rigor. Automation tools can help structure this, but it’s not always easy. Automation has become a science used by many companies.

When more players start automating, there’s also more competition for an acquisition channel. So you need to be able to be both more present than your competitor and more relevant than your competitor. Mirrorprofiles makes it easy for you to increase your presence by setting up several Linkedin accounts, but that’s not all. You’ll need to work on your relevance, i.e. your prospect databases and the content of your prospecting messages.

On average, a manager receives around 100 prospecting emails a day and around 20 Linkedin messages. If you’re not relevant from the first line, your interlocutor will move on.

This comprehensive article will cover the 3 pillars of prospecting with multiple Linkedin accounts: the databases, the tool used and, finally, copywriting.

How to manage prospecting files used by several sales representatives

Data is the lifeblood of business process automation. But first, a quick reminder of what a database is:

In computing, a database is an organized system for storing, managing and easily retrieving information. This data is structured in rows, columns and tables to simplify searches. They are essential in various sectors such as health, education, government, etc., for storing and accessing important information.

Databases are generally hosted on servers and can be moved around. They work through user queries to extract specific data. The administration of these databases requires access regulation to ensure security and proper use. They must also respect the ACID principles: Atomicity (complete execution of transactions), Consistency (respect for data rules), Isolation (independent processing of transactions), and Durability (continuity of data in the event of failure).

There are several types of databases:

  1. Network database: This ancient model creates complex links between records, enabling multiple relationships. It is particularly useful for representing complex data structures, but can be difficult to manage due to its complexity.
  2. Hierarchical Database: In this model, data is organized in a tree structure, where each level of data is derived from a higher level. This makes it easier to understand dependency relationships, but limits the flexibility of data relationships.
  3. Object-oriented database: This type of database stores information in the form of objects, as in object-oriented programming. It is ideal for applications requiring high modularity and reusability of data structures.
  4. SQL or Relational Database: Using relational algebra, this model organizes data into tables with relationships between them. This is the most widespread type of database, known for its ease of use and flexibility.
  5. NoSQL database: Designed to handle large volumes of structured, semi-structured or unstructured data, NoSQL databases are ideal for Big Data and applications requiring high scalability.
  6. Cloud databases: These databases are hosted in cloud environments, offering greater flexibility, scalability and accessibility. They are ideal for companies requiring high data availability.
  7. Text-oriented database: This type of database uses text files to store data, with each line representing a record. Although simple, it is less effective for managing large amounts of data or complex queries.
  8. Distributed database: In this model, data is distributed across several sites or regions. Distributed databases can be homogeneous (same system on all sites) or heterogeneous (different systems on different sites), offering flexibility in terms of data management and storage.
  9. Graph-oriented database: Using graph theory, this type of database is effective for representing and analyzing complex relationships between data. It is particularly useful for social networks, recommendation systems and network analysis.

Databases are stored on a variety of media, such as magnetic or optical disks, and are accessed via database management systems (DBMS) that control access and modification rights.

In the vast majority of cases, you’ll find yourself working with relational databases. What few people do is count the number of acquisition channels each prospect line possesses. However, the quality of your database will be judged by the number of interesting data on your prospect, but above all by how you can contact him or her: Linkedin / Emailing / Telephone / Mail / Trade show… etc.

In our case, we’ll be looking primarily at THE fuel for our automations: Your prospect’s Linkedin URL.

In order to distribute your prospecting file as evenly as possible, the most coherent approach would be to divide it by the number of sales reps and allocate a sub-database to each of them. Logical, yes, but impractical! If you want to avoid duplication, rely on your automation tool. It’s up to him to do the distribution work, and you to think about the strategy.

My 1st piece of advice concerning the database: don’t divide it. Keep it the way it is.

The tool to use when prospecting with several Linkedin accounts: Lemlist

Having several sales reps and/or Linkedin accounts for prospecting is a strength. Few companies optimize this. In effect, they’ll divide the prospecting file equally, and then competition will ensue between the sales reps. I don’t see any synergy in this strategy. Be smarter!

A marketing study has shown that the 4th person to contact a prospect on the same subject as the previous 3 has an appointment success rate of over 65%. Be smart, imagine you have 4 Linkedin accounts (if you don’t, MirrorProfiles can help you 😉 ) then in the same Lemlist sequence you can change the “sender”.

To make things clearer, let’s take Stepward as an example. Growth Hacking Agency, he has 5 MirrorProfiles accounts with the following first names:

  1. Elisa
  2. Cédric
  3. Emilie
  4. Anaëlle
  5. Frédéric

They have a database, or prospecting file, containing over 2,000 prospects. Within the same Lemlist sequence, and thanks to the sequence “conditions”, these 5 Linkedin accounts can automatically “pass” leads to each other. Here’s our complete guide to Lemlist and how to use it.

But the trick is here:

Look at the branch on the right, and you can force Lemlist to use a Linkedin account to send the connection request. In other words, on 1 sequence, you can put your 5 Linkedin prospecting accounts! Genius! In addition to Linkedin accounts, you can also include emails. In short, 1 sequence = 1 complete database contacted by several sales reps.

Remember the statistic: it’s the 4th person who will hit the bull’s-eye in the vast majority of cases. On the other hand, don’t be too aggressive in your prospecting. The strength of this sequence is that you can set up a long-term sequence. Leave at least 3/4 days between each reminder, even if you change “Sender”. On the other hand, don’t hesitate to remind them that your colleague has tried to reach them. It’s psychological: if a prospect really feels driven away, he’ll ask himself “why? From that point on, you’ve won, it’s passed the automation barrier.

Today, few prospects are unaware of automation, but it’s a technique that’s rarely used, and it won’t take long for your prospect to get the impression that he’s in an automated loop.

In addition to the 10 golden rules of copywriting and the content of prospecting messages, there are a number of small techniques within your sequences that can be useful. Changing “senders” is one of them.

But what if you don’t have that many Linkedin profiles at your disposal? Well, you see me coming and that’s normal ahah. MirrorProfiles is a service for renting Linkedin accounts ready for automation. You’ll be able to equip yourself with a multitude of Linkedin accounts that will enable you to carry out some great Lemlist prospecting sequences.

Technically, we’ve seen that Lemlist makes it possible to organize multi-account Linkedin prospecting. But the last pillar is just as important. Copywriting will not only improve the performance of your campaigns, it will also help you structure your prospecting.

Copywriting for multiple Linkedin accounts

Prospecting with several Linkedin accounts requires different copywriting for each account used. You’ll be able to specialize your Linkedin accounts. Sales people can’t work alone; after a while, they’ll be limited. That’s why a Lemlist sequence with multiple senders must include 3 types of copywriting.

  1. Marketing copywriting

  2. Qualified copywriting

  3. Commercial copywriting

Marketing copywriting will be attached to 30% of your Linkedin accounts. Qualification will represent 20% and the rest will be for commercial copywriting. For every 10 MirrorProfiles you use, within the same Lemlist sequence, you will have :

  • 3 Linkedin accounts that will initially transmit documentation, white papers, webinars, etc. In short, their role is to show your prospect your company’s expertise. That’s all there is to it! No appointment.
  • 2 Linkedin accounts to qualify your database. You can’t scrape everything, and some information is only available by asking your prospect directly. It saves your sales force time to know certain “Red Flag” information for you in advance.
  • 5 Linkedin accounts that will then prospect prospects who have passed through the previous sequences

Copywriting is a science, not an art. You have to test it, repeat it again and again. Multiplying your Linkedin accounts will also help you achieve this. Indeed, on 1 Linkedin profile, you can’t test different messages because there’s a history of conversations. With MirrorProfiles, you can perform what’s known asLinkedin A/B testing.


Prospecting with several Linkedin accounts is therefore a great business opportunity that will really set you apart from your competitors’ classic acquisition methods. Nevertheless, this technique requires a good understanding of the tools and a key partner in the security of your Linkedin accounts. If you have an in-house Growth profile or someone who’s comfortable with the tools, don’t hesitate to tell them to make an appointment with us so we can explain it all to them face-to-face. A strategy of this kind requires at least 5 Linkedin profiles. If you don’t have this type of profile, I recommend the Stepward agency.

Knowing how to pilot and manage different Linkedin accounts is important, but managing responses on several Linkedin accounts also represents a structuring challenge. For this, I invite you to take a look at MirrorChat. A tool we have specially developed for this type of strategy.

Picture of Tristan Bance
Tristan Bance

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